These days most of what I see is self centered arguing over every little thing we do and no regard for actually loving others among American Christians today. You can’t just walk up to someone and force the gospel onto them, and I see a lot of people not only doing that but also telling people they are going to hell. This sub alone has a lot of judgment going on that’s not helpful to anyone. Judging ourselves and others in a very unhealthy way.

You have to get to know people and invest in them, in our friendships. How have we gotten to this point? How have we gotten here where which building we step in or what person we are around tells us if we are a good Christian or not?

Jesus walked into Samaria, that didn’t make him less God and there are many more examples. We need to stop our little perfectionism circle of only Christians and being scared we might move our foot the wrong way or God won’t approve. I have a lot of friends who are not Christians and it does not drag down my faith. My faith is between me and God and I will be kind to and love others no matter who they are. That’s what Biblical Christianity is.

And lastly? It’s not our job to judge. “judge not and you say not be judged” Why do you think the world hates us so much? Because way too many of us show hate towards them and tell them they’re going to hell. That is not the way. And it hurts to know I used to do that to people. The truth is that loving people shows them they mean something to me, I’m not shy about what I believe but I don’t tear them down or push them away cause they’re not saved.

I don’t plan to marry anyone who doesn’t share my beliefs, but it’s not wrong to hang out and be friends with the queer community, people who are pro choice, etc. And it’s God’s job to save people, it’s our job to love them and show them what the love of Jesus looks like.

Like Jesus said - how will they know if they have not heard? All they hear is hate right now and that’s on us for how we have treated people, especially the LGBTQ+ community. Don’t be a part of making that worse. Let him who has no sin throw a stone first.

I know not everyone is like this. But there are far too many who are and it’s causing so much damage to the people God loves so much who are not saved yet.

A suggestion: don’t fight in the comments. Think about how you can love the people around you no matter who they are. Talk about the things that we should do that are right and follow the Bible. You can take anything out of context in the Bible and use it for what you want. Don’t do that, look at context. Civil discussions please.

Edit for clarity thanks to a commenter: I was speaking about “go to hell” being said in a cruel way or something. I’ll tell someone they’re going to hell if they aren’t saved but that is a gentle private conversation in a way that works best for the people involved. A generalized “you’re going to hell” when you just look outside at someone’s life, or shoving it in someone’s face being wrong is what I was going for.