From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.

polymer frame

Tbf, a lot of the 1911's reliability comes from the fact that it has an all-steel-frame

Nothing against polys

There's a difference between correlation and causation.

African Americans make up about 13% of the US general population, but 38.8% of the prison population. 28.5% of black men will spend time in state or federal prison. Black people are 12 times more likely to be murdered by a firearm than white Americans.

None of that suggests that African Americans are more violent because they are black. Rather they are more likely to be victimized by a system that is inherently racist and discriminatory towards them.

I teach in an urban school with a student body that is 89% African American.

I had a Korean-American colleague who quit over shit like this. Saying he was a math teacher because he was Asian, saying he must eat stir-fry every night, calling him Chinese, etc.

You could argue they weren't being hateful or discriminatory, but either way he quit and they lost a qualified educator over it.

Were you guys ever physically affectionate before that? Like did you ever kiss or even hold hands?

I think if I hung out with a girl but we never did anything besides a platonic hug, I might think we were just friends.

Lol, I always let them.

Let them get suspended and take a few days to cool off. No way my old ass is risking getting knocked over.

Not just auto parts stores, but stores in general as well. It's incredibly frustrating to ask an employee even as simple of a question as where something is only to be answering with vague confusion.

And like, I get it, good help is hard to find. But ffs, if you spend 30+ hours a week somewhere you should at least know where things are or be able to find a coworker who does.

Joining this sub is one of my decisions on Reddit.

I've never driven a forklift, but the amount of dumb laughs I've had on here are incalcuable

It's her dad.

For context, this guy and his buddy have been making web comics for over 25 years, well before his daughter was born. Although it's immensely popular amongst nerds and gamers, it's still a bit of a niche audience. The joke is that while the comic was relevant and popular among Gen X and Y, he is surprised that younger people still find the work "cool."

And to be clear, no, he didn't actually make a comic about her having a cloaca. If you scroll down you'll see his disclaimer:

"Just to save you some time, unless you wasted it already: there isn't some secret repository of cloaca related content here on Penny Arcade somewhere, as much as Holly Conrad would like that. She would love nothing more than to see Penny Arcade become a 25/8 display shelf for a bird's most sacred hole. And we'd do it, too. But we ran the numbers: she's the only one who wants that."

Maybe not to a RACIST!!!

Probably just being polite

I mean... in The Hobbit Bilbo talks about knowing Gandalf from his fireworks from his childhood, and he was already an old man by then. 60 years later Gandalf is still running around with the rest of the Fellowship.

Not to mention that his return from the dead was obviously through divine intervention. Even going from that it's clear he isn't of a mortal race.

I was watching old-scool episodes of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and he made a comment about parents reading the newspaper at the breakfast table. I realized that how that the feeling of isolation kids had 60 years ago over that was the same way they feel today about phones.

People haven't changed, media has.

I was at a hospital and they had Total Recall playing in the waiting room.

Arnie killed a guy with a giant drill and said "screw you"

They really don't make them like they used to.

Edit: ok, after seeing u/kranges_mcbasketball 's link, it turns out they do (re)make them like they used to

It's so obvious this role was written for Prince... but the movie was so better with Chris Tucker

I heard it not only quenches your thirst better, it tastes better too.

Now, let me distribute it in the most inefficient way possible to demonstrate my absolute control and disdain for you!

You've been to Ebensburg enough times to recognize it?

I'm so sorry...

He was caught 2 hours later at his friend's house. His original charges wer dismissed, but he got 2 years for running.

His new sentence is also a felony, so he just fucked up his employment opportunities for the rest of his life. Although considering he was originally brought in for meth, I don't know that he had any prospects beforehand.