Best to have couple games on rotation. Helps keep them all fresh when new content drops.

I rotate between ESO, fo76, new world(idk about this one anymore haha), and some new games.

Greatsword is good, but spear better in wars.

I’ve found good success running greatsword in wide fight as the bows and disruptors were running tons of thrust resist.

Been having a blast playing Fallout 76 on my deck. Runs great natively, but have recently started using moonlight so the experience is even better.

Moonlight allowed me to play with mods so that was a bonus.

Seen a ton of Kias with broken windows in the southern states.

No issues with my Forte GT. Got Korean logos and no badges.

Everyone always ask what kind of Lexus I have lol.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Yea, so there was a hold up on your claim.

OP and I were in same exact situation. I’ve just explained an active C&P role exam won’t affect a dependent claim.

OP was only asking about the exam holding it up, it’s not. If something else is the reason it’s taking a while, give ‘em a call.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

It’s not holding it up. I was in the same exact boat.

Awarded P&T through BDD. Added my dependents after first checks hit. Took about a week after submitting it. Went straight from received to finished.

Still had exams to do for hearing loss and tinnitus during this.

If there’s a hold up, start calling.

Just an update, picked up a tester and got it spliced correctly. 3,000 miles and no issues.

They do, just gotta pull something and there aren’t any in stock or online that could get here in time so I’m gonna have to splice it.

If I’m right, the grey wire is hot for my turn, red is hot for my brake. Just wanted to verify before I started any work haha

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Comparing your struggles with others will do you no good. We all have our own battles, but we can hold each other up to fight them.

You deserve it. And most important, the VA says your deserve it. Nothing else matters.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Seems plenty of dudes get diagnosed with Asthma and continue serving. Some in pretty physical demanding positions.

I don’t obviously know anything about your condition, but these people were all able to manage their condition and be retained.

At least it’s been years and none of them have been med boarded lmao

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Yep. Just depends on the person. Mine added stuff to mine that I didn’t realize warranted any type of rating.

This was just a C&P exam for physical injuries. I don’t know if they could do anything in the MH side.

Some won’t do it and just check whatever they’re told to check.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Hit PFN and 3 days later had the back pay, just a single day after the decision letter. Hope you get it soon! Do things to distract yourself!

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Haha yea! Was awarded 100% P&T on the 20th, and got back pay the 21st!

Hoping you got the results you wanted as well!

100% P&T 4 months after ETS.VA Disability Claims :claim:

Thanks to all those who asked the same questions I had, your posts were incredibly insightful.

My daughter has a good future ahead of her.

PDA on the 14th!VA Disability Claims :claim:

Hopefully we hit PFN soon! What has been your wait times in PDA?

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

OP, look after yourself. Health comes before your service. I understand wanting to stay in, but at the end of the day, you’ll be happy you keep some semblance of your health.

See where the medboard takes you, start compiling a list of claims to submit to the VA.

Back injuries are no joke, 3 of my buddies from my light infantry unit, have had spine surgeries and they can barely walk and stand. Don’t tough it out to stay in, get the help you need please.

You’re just proving my point my guy. Both games are different and have different cycles of development. We’ll see patch soon. Calm down now.

Exactly, use the stripes to shield your people as much as you can. Dude above ya just sounds salty cuz he left his area disgusting and had a G.I party.

Then I guess BG3 launched years ago and was a complete buggy mess that didn’t have all the content. Took the devs years to get it to this point.

That’s if we use your logic. Early access is early access. Whether it’s a week before or years before. It’s not anyone fault you didn’t gauge expectations. Don’t want to pay for early access? Don’t.

That being said, there will be an update soon. Performance for the vast majority of users is good, or good enough to not limit their enjoyment. Yes, some users have issues, especially on PC when the variations of hardware come into play. Patches will come. Just because you didn’t have a 15GB download on day 1 isn’t a bad thing.

I stand by what I said, this is their more stable launch ever.

Comparing the two is irrelevant. I’m sure both devs are actively tying to fix issues within their respective games. One just soft launched a week ago with the real launch yesterday, and one had a very SIGNIFICANT early access to get feedback and has been out for a bit now. Let’s not forget that.

Patches will come, but so far it’s been a really good release. First time in a long time I haven’t experienced bugs that ruined the enjoyment. I’ve had very minor ones.

I’m sure others have severe issues but give it time.

From my personal perspective of friends and discord mates, those that have the latest drivers are having more graphical and audio issues.

Running a 4070ti and running drivers from BG3 launch and no issues.

More demanding? Less optimized? Who knows. Game needs a fast drive to load a shit ton of assets.

You seem overly eager and excited to share this lmao