Violated an NDA by posting on Facebook about the game we were testing šŸ˜¬

Brady singer had allowed 3 runs over his last 17.1 innings? Heā€™s not a K machine but I wouldnā€™t call his June totally horrible

Hey heā€™s old enough to be president?

Caveat with timeless is that itā€™s vegan baked goods. Personally not a fan. The coffee is fine.

Same reason we named a road after Bessie Coleman. I was surprised to learn she had nothing to do with Oakland

Totes. Hardest part was living life not knowing I had it until I was 28

Weā€™re really thinking about it! Only thing is we got a new CEO so weā€™re waiting to see if heā€™s going to mandate being in the office. That would mean commuting to Santa Monica regularly which would be tough. What do you like about it compared to the East Bay?

Well at least I know I have it and can incorporate strategies if it turns out my kids have it.

When he later spoke to investigators, Kelly said that he shot at the other group because they ā€œlooked suspicious to him,ā€ the court documents said.


  1. How many people are out there doing bad science and peddling BS because they put it in a shiny snake oil package.

  2. How many IO grads are being churned out and dumped into situations with less than optimal job prospects.

You went to Wichita, far from this opera for evermore? To work the straw and make sweat drip out of every pore?

We have family in Santa Monica and also want to live near the beach hence the coastal SoCal search!

This is a thread for conspiracy theories, you canā€™t just go around asking for sources

Dad here, had a hard time with the newborn phase and really up until like 9 months or so. Absolutely love our two year old. On a trip right now and itā€™s been like 3 days and I miss her sorely!

Weā€™re in Oakland and I just went down the California coast on Zillow looking for houses under $1m and Ventura / Oxnard stood out. We visited and liked the vibe. So now weā€™re talking about moving down there. Love reading this thread!

:lad2: Los Angeles Dodgers

Not verbal language but sign language. I feel like I havenā€™t seen a third base coach giving a runner signs in a long time but all the chaos of that is my favorite

:lad2: Los Angeles Dodgers

It really is like we all turn into knickerbockers from the 1920s in the dugout

Me with Lou merloni when I was a kid in Boston. Iā€™m still embarrassed that I yelled ā€œyou suck Lou!ā€ From my upper deck seat in the outfield bleachers