It's kinda what we had to say to the south when they complained that slavery was necessary for their way of life. If that's the only way you can run your business, you are just gonna have to get a new business.

Hey as someone with my own 12 month old I totally get it! I'm really not sure about the yellowing. If it's not hungry for nitrogen, it could be too cool, but at this time of year that's only gonna be an issue pretty far north. Like far enough that you probably can't grow okra anyway.

It looks like okra so that's good. What makes it look off to you?

Edit: the leaves do look a little crappy when I zoom in. I'm not sure what the problem is but ignoring the weeds might not be an option for analyzing this. You've got a lot there - could be nutrient competition from those weeds right at the base of the plant. Pull them, and maybe add a little compost or fish emulsion, maybe even blood meal to get some nitrogen in those roots and get the plant back on track for good leaf development.

Just a reskinned Mario with Prairie jumping on turtles and shit

Looks like Castlevania and Double Dragon had a baby and it was missing chromosomes

Dominque Wilkins #21

Yes let's draft a guy who doesn't want to be there and insists he should be the star of the team. Let's let him, Trae, and DJ try to out diva each other. Should work great.

This is literally how it's supposed to work and why the Republicans are so hollow. Democrats try to do something good people will like so that they get elected. The goal is help the largest number of people and earn the largest number of votes.

Republicans do nothing but harm, when they even do anything. They get elected by just promising to hurt the people their voters don't like. Their voters don't even care that they usually don't do that, but rather get into office and just grift as long as they can.

The thing is I know people who are this type of Republican, and they still vote for the maga leaders. They claim to be better than the crazy wing of their party, then go vote for Trump anyway.

Four seasons. It was after announcing a press conference at the four seasons, then being told they could not do this without a reservation (as they assumed they had the power to just take over an nyc hotel if they felt like it). Rather than change venue they found a gardening business called Four Seasons.

Peak Trumpism. They'll eat shit on live tv to avoid saying they made a mistake at any point, ever.

If trump wins this bitch expects to be on the supreme Court and id bet both nuts that's gonna happen. If he wins. If he loses she will spend the rest of her life extremely salty because she will have a ruined reputation for nothing.

She also assisted the suicide of the Tylenol PM truck driver.

Dominque Wilkins #21

He wears a bracelet with his brother's name during games

Yea "my pillow" it's a product that is like every other ad on fox news. Guy who runs the company is a racist trump shill who has sacrificed quite a lot to be the biggest trump sycophant he can.

Their audience skews very old. Sure there are younger viewers but there's a reason their ads are all for term life insurance, diabetes medicine, and racist pillows.

No they're woke injectors injecting woke from Biden's personal supply of woke that he steals from the still beating hearts of children.

Did I do it right? Did I maga?

No way, CNN loves trump. They will clutch pearls but Biden is an able administrator which makes for very few sensational headlines. Trump gives them an endless supply of outrage clicks.