At the time it was written, there were multiple players pushing OP to do it with no indication of any players NOT pushing for it. Given the context at the time, leaving the table seemed the appropriate advice.

Secondly, when dealing with multiple player issues it's best practice to just leave the table if one is uncomfortable with the situation. Kicking multiple players can actually turn the rest of the table against you, even if normally they would be on your side. The reason is simple human nature; people react negatively to being told "this is what is going to happen and you have no say in it."

On the other hand, telling the table, "I'm sorry, but I can't go on GMing under these circumstances. You all can play however you like, but I won't be a part of it." puts the onus on the causers of the GM leaving. The most common response to that is to put pressure on the GM to stay, and when they won't to put pressure on the problem players to change their behavior so the GM will stay. If neither side will budge, the rest of the table will likely walk with the GM and make a new table without the problem players.

I know in practice is sounds no different than kicking the problem players, but it really does make a difference how you do it. It also doesn't give the problem players a chance to change their behavior so they aren't a problem anymore.

Hope that helps explain the reasoning. :-)

Magnets just aren't really a thing in KSP

Actually, they are... in a way. Docking collars have a magnetic-like attraction to get them to come together.

I actually had a similar idea to OP when I saw a video  the other day of the train going almost 750 kph (Mach 0.6) through the tunnel. If those tracks were on the side of a mountain and ended at the peak, one could launch at high altitude with a decent speed and climbing fast out of the soup.

I don't know how difficult it would be to use either mechanic as a form of launch propulsion, but it is at least theoretically possible. (only with custom mods made just for that purpose, of course)

It's fully compatible with v.1.12.5, though I admit that I don't know what version CKAN has on it. It would likely be best if you just DL from the Github so you know you're getting the latest version with all bugfixes.

likely had no control over the development of the game and its failure

You know what they did have control over? Continuing to work for IG knowing full well that every other word out of their mouth was a lie.

I worked for an electronics and computer supply store when I was only 20. It was a good job with great pay for a girl not even through college yet. Then I watched the owner lie to a customer about what we had in stock because he wanted to sell something more expensive. Then he wanted ME to do it. I quit then and there because I won't compromise my integrity for a buck.

Yeah, it was hard after I quit that job. I had to take a low-paying job at a market research firm doing phone surveys and even that took over a month to get because no one wants to hire someone that quit their last job.

Yes... be polite and human. But pretending like EVERYONE at IG wasn't to blame for the mess we got isn't fair or just. Needy Mike was JUST as much to blame for it as the rest. He could have quit rather than shill for Nate's lies.

I did.

Figured so... but it was too funny to resist! :-Þ

i lost jeb because of a 96k lime between the site and the rescue shuttle 

Deferred rendering is a new mod by blackrack that changes the way lighting is done in KSP to be more performant. It may reduce your lag when using engine clusters where each one is a light source.

Note, there is no charge for this mod and you can download it without contributing to blackrack's Patreon, though he does deserve it so consider maybe joining for a month or so to keep getting these kinds of mods. :-)

that includes DM

I've been RPing since the 80s. In all those years, I have taken to heart the lesson that was taught to me by my first GM.

"The GM's #1 job, above everything else, is to make sure that everyone at the table is having fun. No one's fun is worth ruining anyone else's fun... including the GM's."

OP: If you give in on this, you're not only doing yourself a disservice, but your players too. Once your players see you give in and allow a topic you're uncomfortable with, there's no stopping it when someone hits on a topic they're uncomfortable with.

After all, if you won't even stand up for yourself, why should they expect you to stand up for them?

Don't give in on this. Make it clear that this is simply not a topic you're willing to RP. If they persist after that, it's time to look for a new table. No D&D is better than bad D&D.

Totally normal. I once had a very similar setup using two tri-couplers, each one carrying 3 communication satellites with a support up the middle of the bottom one to carry the 2nd one. That way I could send 6 com-sats to a body with 1 launch vehicle.

I would put 3 in an equatorial orbit and 3 in a polar orbit at the same altitude, usually whatever was geostationary altitude for that body, so I had 100% surface coverage. Started with a constellation over Kerbin since I was playing without the extra ground stations. I called them KDRSS... Kerbal Data and Relay Satellite System. (pronounced Key-driss) So over Kerbin I would have "KDRSS-KER-E1", which would be the KDRSS directly over KSC. (KER for Kerbin, E for Equatorial, 1 for 1st of 3, etc.) My brother and I actually worked the trig needed to put them in resonant orbits before the creation of the Resonant Orbit Calculator mod.

Each satellite had its own fuel tank, engine, RCS, relay coms system, PV array and battery, and timers (courtesy of SmartParts) so we could calculate the exact time the circularization burn should begin and end, set it all up, then wait. Seeing it all go off just as planned is AWESOME!

(unfortunately, I have no pics to share because the entire project was lost in The Great HD Crash of 2019 :-/ )

It might not be Take2 but Intercept Games who didn't want any old devs from Squad to be part of KSP2.

That makes a lot more sense than the wild rumors about T2 even caring what UE/IG did with KSP2 and mandating no communication requirements as reported in the ShadowZone interview.

For T2 it was just business... why would they care how UE/IG got the job done? All they wanted was for the product to ship and sell to make a profit. They literally don't care about anything else.

For UE/IG though, keeping a lid on things was most definitely in their own interest. The last thing they wanted was for anyone to know just how bad they were at getting the job done. (especially their bosses at T2)

Not that clear logic will stop most people from ragging on T2 for being "BiG bAd EvUl CoRpOz!"...

In economics you see a lot of critics like that ("no you can model human behavior blabla)

As a retired professional in the field of Statistical Data Analysis, that line of thinking is just BS.

Yes... you cannot model the behavior or experiences of A person... but the entire field of statistics exists because you can model the behavior and experiences of lots of people.

There's a famous saying in statistics; "Give me a room with 100 people in it and I can tell you how many of them will be dead in a year. I can't tell you who they are, but I will be right about the number."

Thinking the same thing... main KSP theme in a minor key.

When you installed NAM 48 it gave you the option to install one of the 5 traffic simulators available: Classic, (Maxis standard) Low, (NAM option that is the default recommend option) Medium, High, and Ultra.

If you have an unpacking program like 7-zip, you can open the .jar file included in the NAM ZIP file and extract the simulator you want without having to completely reinstall NAM. They're located in the "installation" folder under the "@59 Traffic Simulator#" sub-folder. Just remove the current (low) files in the "9 Traffic Simulator" folder in your "Plugins" folder and replace them with the trafic simulator option you want.

Hope this helps! :-)

It replaces PlanetShine and is much more performative.

Nailed it. The only winning bet at a casino is the all-you-can-eat buffet. :-Þ

I speak not only as an expert in Statistics but as the daughter of a Blackjack dealer. Suckers and their hopes of beating the house put a roof over my head while I was growing up.

u/OutlawMajor_100 : Cool screenshot! I likes!

Considering that the list is alphabetical and "Knoll" is in the right place if it had originally been spelled "Gnoll", I'm pretty sure this is a case of spellcheck being "helpful" and the original author just didn't notice the change.

I think it's an issue of Spellcheck "fixing" it for the original author.

Knoll is a real word (a small hill) and spellcheck is dumb.

A similar issue nearly occurred last year for RCT3 when Shyguy's World, the site that hosted the vast majority of RCT3 content, announced that it was shutting down. Luckily u/wolfpaw-official created Parkcrafters and a bunch of us were able to copy all the files over to the new site before SGW went down.

Hopefully, should something terrible happen to Simtropolis, (though I'm sure this issue is nothing to worry about along these lines) we could do something similar.