13 watts arms and legs according to Lionel Sanders in recent wind tunnel test

It’s blatantly obvious that the driver simply did not see them. This is an out-of-the-box excuse that’s been used by drivers for eons….

At least spell Jimmy’s last name correctly ☝️

Just normal people?

Main thing is that you don’t do that to your schlong 😂

TD sent me stuff in mail. Scanned the QR code and voted

That was from when you used your toothpaste

You talkin’ ‘bout car or truck drivers??

They currently do. The comic book. ☝️

Couldn’t swat a fly. The law has no teeth.

Yes. In fact the whole bike does.

What d’ya mean “will be”? Currently “is”.

Farm Boy and Denninger’s 👌

Simply testing you and the populace to see how fired up you get

Utterly ridiculous to cash out now. Only non-poker players would do that.

Me too. At least 50,000. Prolly down > 95%.

Only thing the gov’t controls is adding employees to their payroll and ratcheting gov’t debt into the stratosphere