Nobody seems to have thought about the packaging. I'd be careful to ensure the packaging hasn't heavily warped or melted before you transport the components any distance. In particular, be careful of the motherboard or CPU pins/retainers!

And I wanted to know if there is any way to tell ISP modem-router to treat Archer not as a host/computer and provide Prefix Delegation? Any routine technique etc?

Yep - bridge. I mean, if it wasn't a little locked down appliance, you'd be able to configure the DHCP server on the router to serve the prefix that your ISP served you. Of course, if you had access to do that, you could just enable bridge mode.

I once managed to get around MAC authentication by dumping the config of my ISP router, then reading through it manually. The MAC was listed in the config dump. (You might search through the ISP router interface for config backup or similar).

Also try googling for methods of extracting the MAC from your router model, and perhaps googling about replacing the router on your ISP.

That's your options - replace the router, or AP mode.


Okay, I might not have been clear. You have two options:

  1. Set the ISP router into bridge mode. This turns off routing on that device. It should, in that case, only be doing modem duties. Under bridge mode, the modem will not be handling anything to do with IP addresses at all - it will be getting packets from your Archer router and passing them up the pipe. If you do this, the Archer will be able to receive a prefix from your ISP and assign it to your LAN devices.

  2. Switch the Archer into AP mode. This turns off routing on the Archer, and it will just provide Wifi. There is no need to configure anything around IPv6 in this mode. The ISP router settings look wrong and should be reset to factory, which I presume will load a set of working settings from your ISP.

Basically, pick one of your routers to actually use, and get the other one out of the way. Two routers will never work.

I'm assuming that your ISP even supports IPv6. What is your ISP, and do they explicitly promise IPv6 support?

Archer router won't even get ipv6 from ISP router. I need to turn this off to get ipv6.

This is happening because your Archer is receiving a single V6 address from your ISP router, basically acting as a normal computer. It needs to get a whole prefix


I've read more of the thread. I see bridge mode is disabled on your router (bizarre...) and IPv6 does work directly.

There's no real room for confusion or other options here. You just have to put the Archer in AP mode, to at least use the Wifi.

If you're using fibre-to-the-home, then perhaps you'd be able to get rid of the ISP router and just use the Archer alone. In this case, the ISP router would be plugging into an ITP box which translates the fibre into ethernet. If your modem-router is connected via DSL or Cable, I guess that won't be an option, and you'd be stuck with that crappy ISP router. My sympathies.

Sorry, are you trying to set up a double-router situation? Don't do that. Set either the ISP router or your Archer router into bridge mode.

I see you have already been advised to set the Archer into AP mode, that will work too. AP mode basically means the Archer will just provide Wifi, and leave routing responsibilities up to your ISP router.

If you wanted to use the Archer as your router, and turn the ISP router into a bridge, then the Archer would need to retrieve a prefix from your ISP via DHCP-PD, it would automatically set up DHCP+SLAAC to serve that prefix to your LAN. I don't know why it's asking you for a prefix, there are virtually no situations where you'd need to manually enter that. You could, if your ISP provides a static prefix, but there's no reason to.

If you are using the Archer as a router, you'd need to enable DHCP-PD (prefix delegation) on the WAN interface, not the LAN interfaces.

So, in other words, patched.

I mean, let's not get technical here.

I think the only realistic way you'll get a sane response is via mail - email or dead tree letter. Make sure to lean heavily on argument via authority - it's obvious that arguing based on technical merit will have little sway with whoever decided on this braindead policy.

Link the various rules and guidelines from major internet authorities from around the world - both the big ones in USA, EU policy makers, whoever sounds impressive enough. Explain who the organizations are, what authority they have, and then quote their advice directly from their published documentation.

Good luck!

Your neighbor's router is in that same /64. Remember to have a firewall. You can see them. They can see you.

I don't understand what is different between this scenario and two random people on the opposite sides of the planet. Your ISP will only route packets to you if they're addressed to you - you don't have any more access to your IP-neighbor packets than those on a different ISP's network.

I mean, you should always be applying updates anyway. There are always security updates coming down the pipeline, and most of them don't make headlines like this one.

Huh? Have any distros NOT patched this?!

If so, please don't run a server on that distro!

That's why Arch is a rolling release meaning= unstable. You seeing it now? You literally said it yourself

What do you think the job of a distro is, buddy? Spell it out for me, oh so great sensei.

You sound and talk like not a 10 years old Arch user. Specially the lack of knowledge of basic thing.

And you said 'cuz'. You sounded like a 12 year old, but I had the courtesy to actually reply to your post.

Hmmm..... I'm seeing a pattern now.

Your entire argument was 'on /r/linux arch has a reputation of being unstable'.

Whether it's game-changer or not the fact that because of openQA prevent something like broken grub is the testament that it works.

Why are you bringing up 'broken grub' again?

Such a scenario would be caught in Arch testing repo anyway.

I didn't say anything of me having bugs nor anything the fact that you jump out on conclusion that KDE is buggy and me have some kind of bugs. Is to show that my comment triggered you somehow. Lol. Please read my comment again. And please don't get triggered and if you were new to Linux please get more knowledge so we can have better discussion. Ok?

You literally talked about Tumbleweed holding KDE back because of bugs.

KDE is buggy. Gnome is buggy. XFCE is buggy. Whatever DE you use is buggy. They're all buggy. All software is buggy as it's all written by humans. KDE 6.0.5 being held back by Tumbleweed is not evidence of any procedural superiority from Tumbleweed, it's just that some person at SUSE decided that whatever bug they had experienced was worth holding a version back.

I repeat, 6.0.5 was fine, I used it.

Because it's rolling release meaning it's unstable.

That's not how this works. Distros do NOT do the work in making software stable and bug-free - that's what upstreams do. Arch simply packages what upstream provides - whether that's good or bad. Note that Arch does give packages about a week in Testing before deploying, so major issues are typically discovered there.

Then on the other side of the fence, you have the super-slow distros like Debian. Debian is all about not changing - great if you just need a secure server to do one thing and keep doing it, but awful for a computer you actually want to use.

A number of software devs have had words with the Debian team, as Debian keeps shipping ancient, buggy versions of their software to users, those users then report already-fixed bugs to the upstream bug tracker, and the devs then have to explain to people that it's their fault for using Debian's ancient version of their software. Frustrating for everyone involved. But hey, it's 'stable'!

Unless you're new and using Arch and got lucky don't get your experience be your based on facts.

Buddy your comment is literally nothing more than 'this is Arch's reputation', not facts. I've used Arch for over 10 years, so don't talk to me about 'common knowledge'.

Because it is. When the last time you heard Tumbleweed broken something upon a update a serious one: "like i don't know" grub?

I don't follow Tumbleweed news, why would I ever hear about this? Go search /r/tumbleweed or something.

And opensuse have openQA which it test the application before it was put on snapshot of opensuse.

Automated testing is nice, but inherently limited. Computers can only test for specific things. I'm not trying to tear them down or anything, but OpenQA isn't a game-changer.

Like example the KDE 6.0.5 that version of plasma takes long before it got released cuz some parts of it has bug.

Wow, really? A bug? In KDE?

KDE is monstrously huge. It has always had bugs, and will always have bugs. 6.0.5 was a perfectly good release, unless you were specifically affected by whatever bug, then perhaps you'd have a different opinion. I ran 6.0.5, it was fine.

Arch. I have no idea where the reputation came from that Arch is unstable and Tumbleweed is stable, but it's quite wrong. Both distros just package upstream directly, and serve it soon after upstream release.

I run a number of computers on Arch and they just keep working, except in cases where manual intervention is necessary, as denoted on the homepage.

Why do you want to use the browser? If you just want to cast pirate streams or the like, try Web Video Caster on your android phone.

Press f12 to open the dev tools. Click on the console tab. What errors appear there? If there's a lot, copypaste them into a pastebin.

What errors appear in the dev tools console?

Does it work if the useragent is changed to a Chrome one?

Do you have a question about this message?

If so, please mention your OS, Firefox version and whether you've been updating Firefox manually/externally.

Oh yeah, get a UPS so you don't have to press ctrl+s before starting a 6 hour render. Cool argument. I can't be bothered with this shit.

Oh, I never realized we were talking about enterprise distributed disk systems on /r/buildapc. Silly me! hehe!

If you're running your petabyte disk cluster on NTFS without UPS' and backup generators, you deserve everything that happens to your data.

I'm obviously the stupid one when I didn't understand the phrase which you literally invented just then 

Literally who are you even talking about? Why do you keep bringing up irrelevant use-cases which neither the OP nor I ever mentioned? You're mad that I had too much confidence in journaling filesystems? But nothing you ever said had anything to do with journaling filesystems!

Your oddly aggressive replies seem to all be based on the pretense that I am telling the OP to not get a UPS. If they have a need for a UPS, then they should get one. I still haven't heard a reasonable argument for why the OP needs one.

'Peace of mind' is a state of mind and not a need. People can feel peace of mind for any reason, with or without a basis.

save the project instead of continuing the render

Anyone using a non-autosaving work-editing program who is not in the habit of pressing ctrl+s every time they make a change deserves to lose their work. (Same thing with backups). If you've spent hours on a 3d scene, why on earth wouldn't you save before you start a long render?!

another obvious use case is to squash flight-writes for drive systems

What on earth is a 'flight-write'? I searched that in quotes on kagi and got one (1) result, and it was to do with flying planes.

I see you've edited your post to make more sense, thanks.

If the OP is concerned about their render getting interrupted, perhaps they should buy an automated generator? I don't think any reasonable UPS would survive more than a few minutes of a blender render, or software compilation, etc.

I would argue that most people don't do that many things which require a UPS these days. Modern games almost always autosave frequently, or are always online. A UPS isn't going to last long enough to let you finish most online matches. Modern office apps autosave and online office saves constantly. What else is there?

A UPS can only be reasonably expected to last a few minutes, only enough time for you to save your work and shut down, so I don't think any of your argument really makes sense.

Uh, did you reply to the right post?

What year was this? There's no way the chassis was so small you couldn't fit a half-m2 board on there! That said, I'm assuming your firm even had control over the board design, which may be incorrect.

I’m not sure journaling completely prevents data corruption on power loss, I think for that you need a filesystem built from the ground up around atomic writes like ZFS.

I didn't believe you, so I looked it up and you're right - it only reduces the probability of data loss.

But running a root FS off a cheap SD card compounds the issue and I guarantee if you run Linux that way with stock settings and a lot of power cuts you will see corruptions.

Well, yeah - I never would have made any of my previous statements had I known you were using SD cards! SD cards are famously awful. Why on earth were you running any kind of commercial workload off an SD card?!

ext4 is journaling too, so I wouldn't have believed you either. How confident are you that your data loss was caused by power loss exclusively? I.e. no power surges, earthquakes, coincidental mechanical failures? Also note that journaling doesn't protect against anything other than power failures, i.e. cosmic bit flips :)

Also assuming your work didn't do anything stupid like turn off journaling?