Wow agi and this? And i thought I was lucky haha

Thanks for this! I will surely give it a try on the upcoming festival

No. Im using ps5. Haha just pure luck. I had 1k+ hrs on my previous account. Charge blade main. Ive never had this jewel before.

I have not even unlocked that yet. (Mr 68 here)

Im guessing there's a good reason why I'm still not getting my magazine jewel.

Hahaha ive played 72 hrs. New account full charge blade run. But never got magazine jewel yet :))

I mean, Good for US to still provide aid whichever way possible. Good job

"Free throws ain't working well enough this time to help you son"

I just realized that this subreddit is filled with anti-Israel rhetoric.

A far cry from r/nyc

Hey hey, ho, ho! I think Tiktok has got to go!

Segregation? Not diversity and tolerance?

And your rebuttal to my previous statements?

So the woman in the news is pro-Israel, as I remember? Not pro-Zionism?

Is Israel = Zionism?

Are all citizens within the state of Israel ... Zionists?

Then... you are wrong.

Genocide? Man, that's a stretch. Being pro-Israel is not being pro-genocide. This is NYC... people should be able to advocate or support their cause without harassment. They harassed her for supporting Israel...

Not unless... you think Israel shouldn't be a state at the first place?

Whatever your beliefs are, there is no place for this... especially in New York City. A city built upon tolerance.

Also, please look at the meaning of genocide. Intent is important. If you don't know how to differentiate, then all wars are genocide.

I agree that there are rules for war. Kids are not intentionally targeted but rather a consequence of war. Please understand that difference. Nothing good comes out of war. No nation (maybe the US) can keep it surgically clean.

With regards to war crime, that involves a thorough investigation after the fact. That won't stop the current war from being perpetuated since Hamas launched the surprise attack first, and they also still have hostages. Also, Israel has the will and support of their nation to launch a retaliatory war as well as support from Western nations.

As sad as it may look, (innocents and children dying) Israel's government has the right and obligation to keep their citizens and their nation secure. Hamas should not have launched a terror attack in the first place.

More suffering for both Palestinians and Israel will ensue as long as Hamas stays

Man, please don't ruin this sub with this sh!t. This is one of the few funny subs for entertainment.

If I wanna watch politically charged shit like this, I'd go to r/publicfreakout or r/therewasanattempt

Cmon now bro, don't push it.

But I don't think they're killing everyone, though... Although many have died as a result of the war, I think they are still trying to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.

War is really bad... war is where people die in the thousands, and it does not discriminate. The young, the old, the innocent. It spares no one.

I believe that as long as a terrorist organization is allowed to govern or take rule in a country, nothing good will happen. Look at Lebanon, Hezbollah (militant non- government group with tons of guns) use their power to circumvent the country of Lebanon. Same as Hamas.

That's why Hamas should be wiped out. They contribute nothing good. They even steal resources rather than improve the economy of Palestinians.

For the sake of both the Palestinians and Israelis.

I think Israel is doing Palestinians a favor by getting rid of Hamas since they can't do it?

If by that you mean they didn't vote for the terrorist government?

Like an evil ruler being destroyed so that people will be free.

They really turned it up from hey, hey, hoho to gluing their hands.

Well, I have doubts about being able to successfully protest a country out of existence.