Monster Hunter: World

r/MonsterHunterWorld554.4K subscribers56 active
Is it just me or is this bigger than normal Discussion
Is it just me or is this bigger than normal
by PRAHPScertified femboy (swaxe) (Ls) (CB)
Finally, after more than 200 attempts, Fatalis is deadDiscussion

Some time ago I made a post to this sub asking others how they went about killing Fatalis. After taking in some of the advice from the comments of that post, even more failed attempts, and a graphics card crash, the black dragon has finally been slain! The run took 27 minutes and 3 seconds, and I was down to my last faint. This will probably get lost in a sea of reddit posts, but I just gotta share this!

This is the build that got me to the end-


Skills not featured are Fortify, Clutch Claw Boost, Power Prolonger, Evade Extender and Recovery Up.

Custom Turf War animation of Ruiner Nergigante vs. Primordial Malzeno!Art/Creation

Lookie here, seems like we've got a brand new custom animation by ~Monster Slayer Squad~!

This time around, they've made a new Turf War with Ruiner Nergigante and Primordial Malzeno!

Granted, it starts off like his usual one with Teostra or Lunastra and ends like Rajang's Turf Wars, but it's still nice to see them continuing to improve their animating work!

Check out the animation here:

End game advice Question

So I just recently beat iceborne and I’m a longsword main. I was wondering about gold rathian longsword is it still viable? Or is there another sword I should go for? Also if that weapon is still good is it worth augmenting?

What monsters used to give you a hard time but now you actually enjoy fighting?Question

Like the title asks, I am curious if there are any fights that SUCKED when you first got to them but slowly learned how to love it?

For me, I think Odo and Zinogre are at that phase. I feel like learning how to position myself in those encounters makes them feel not just easier, but like a real back and forth!

What am I doing wrong?Question

I've been going through solo (nobody else I know has a PS5) and it's been endlessly frustrating trying to hunt anything that flies. I tried the Rathalos/Rathian hunt and they moved so often and so far from points that it ends up being me just running through the map over and over and over and over again without being able to fight. I'll do damage, they run, and then I never catch up to them again. I've been fine with anything that doesn't fly because it'll limp away or can be tracked fairly easily but it seems like I'll just run out of time trying to get two monsters that will run for a good 10+ mins and stopping for less than a minute in an area. I was having a lot of fun but at this point it's just walking simulator.

When does the Fatalis stuff start showing up?Question

I beat Alatrein... finally. With SO much thanks to someone that plays as TiTaN on XBL, while I feel like I was doing substantially better on that run, you definitely made the fight much shorter, and watching you helped me to figure out the timing on some of his openings. Just wondering when I start fitting Fatalis recon missions and such. Do I gotta' grind on Alatreon for a while before it pops up?

Steamworks fest farmQuestion

Hey everyone, want to try and get some clarification on the steamworks event farming for decos.

I've read about it but one thing I'm not clear on.

So I understand melding tickets only happen during the event. I saw some comments saying to up the output. What does that do? Up the reward chance?

Just trying to maximize my stored fuel when the event comes online later today.


How I can get MR Black diablos quest? Question

I done everything and still cant find a way. Its just not there. Do I need some special requirement or something?

Barioth on skull icon for 10 minutes won't dieQuestion

So yeah pretty much what it says. I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong here, I figured this sabertooth looking fella was weak to fire and as such proceeded to bonk it with Halberion CB+, did quite decent damage on both hunts to the point I cut it's tail and sent it back to it's nest but either ran out of time or resources to stay alive until it died. I wasn't on the defensive to be honest but managed pretty well against his attacks and turtled waiting for my opening, abusing the guard points to stay on the offensive as I block the damage. I can't tell what I'm doing wrong but to me it seems as it's just way too tanky for me to kill him with my current skill and equipment. I quite literally only have the best armor and weapons I can get without grinding the shit out of the other monsters and quite frankly I don't have the time to do so, but still even up to that point I was dealing quite well against the other monsters so that's why I'm scratching my head here.

For the record I'm not exactly a mhw expert and this is my first title of the franchise so any advice as condescending as it may seem will be greatly aprecciated.

Edit: Ok this is bullshit, I went 10 mins with the damn thing on the hospital's bed and can't take it down but then the 4th time I beat his ass I go a full 39 mins with no skull to tell me he's close to going down and then he just fucking dies. Not gonna lie I think the game was just fucking with me at this point and I was nowhere near killing it last 2 tries. Anyway I kinda brute forced my way with the vitality mantle and managed to kill it with only one K.O and a minor heart attack when I cancelled my saed into shield charge and woke him up. Didn't use traps like they suggested me because I didn't felt like waiting for it to fall into them. Hooray now I can just never hunt this ball of fur with wings.

Edit2: Ngl I completly forgot that tracking level made the skull appear at low health, sorry for that It's been almost half a year since I last played this game and barely remeber many of the basic mechanics

Spanish Jumpscare

My hunting horn brethren! Gimme your energy (builds)Discussion

I got into HH, This shit is awesome. I seriously feel bumped i didn't try it before but it's so good.

I have a character that is at like the point of hunting the base world elder dragons, Vaal hazak, teo and kushala.

So with that, does anyone have any good builds for me to use for this point and for when i start iceborne?