I'm Asian. And given your utter failure at legal argument here, including ad hominem attacks, its clear you're not an attorney.

So, it's not in the opinion at all? You just made it up? That's not good, counselor. Did you skip Moot Court or something? Ad hominem? Yeah, you skipped Moot Court completely.

And POTUS has always enjoyed limited immunity, otherwise Obama would be in a prison cell for murder of a US citizen in Yemen. You know this.

As for MAGA, I'm Asian. Try again.

Congress should investigate, sure. That's oversight. But POTUS' immunity is nothing new so stop acting like SCOTUS enacted Fuhrer's Princip.

And counselor, you still haven't cited to the page and line in the decision that created the absolute immunity you claim SCOTUS created.

Show me where SCOTUS gave POTUS "absolute immunity" from everything. Go ahead, cite the page and line of the opinion, counselor.

Presidents have always enjoyed a limited amount of immunity from prosecution. Obama ordered the extrajudicial killing of an American citizen in Yemen. If not for this limited immunity, he would have been subject to a murder charge.

As an attorney, you were taught about this immunity in ConLaw, where you were also taught the real power lies in Article I, not Article II of the Constitution. Just like the rest of us learned it.

Holder wasn't guilty of contempt for refusing a Congressional subpoena to testify why and how the ATF running guns to Cartels? Guns later used to murder dozens of Mexican nationals and at least one US Border Agent? Tell me when Holder was prosecuted.

I accept your surrender.

Declared wars are always between nations. 9/11 was an act of mass murder and the US was empowered by it to declare war on Afghanistan for harboring those mass murderers, invading Afghanistan for refusing to turn them over, and executing every member of the Taliban government involved in harboring those mass murderers.

But...the US didn't declare war but instead made up some excuse to liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban and after 20 years of war, handed the country back to the Taliban along with a billion dollars of military equipment.

We should have declared war.

Fields of study are proper nouns. No one has a PhD in physics, but in Physics. Derp.

Bad time to remind you Biden also dodged the draft and cozied up to segregationists when he was elected to the Senate? None of them are without sin, that's for sure.

A box of these have been in my freezer pretty much non-stop since I goty first adult paycheck.

Grammar, like Astronomy, is a field of study that requires no Italics.

What was it like to flunk out of high school? 😂

I'm convinced the series "Friends" was created by someone really pissed off at St Elmo's Fire and said, "Let's do the opposite of everything in that shit movie!"

I've read it. It's mostly fluff that will never happen. Much ado about nothing.

Yes, because I used it as a proper noun, such as when it's the title of a book or course or specific field of study.

The 1970s saw a second American Revolution to the Left, but it wasn't entirely bloodless, and the cost was the two parent nuclear family that has never recovered.

Politics is a pendulum. Swings to the right and to the left. If it goes too far one way, it goes further the other way. Conservation of Political Energy, so to speak.

But at the end of the day, so long as the US military continues swearing their oaths to the Constitution, we'll be fine.

You buy a Grammar book first.

People freaked out about Newt's "Contract with America" in the 90s, too. You know who gained from that? The oligarchy, just like the oligarchy stands to gain from Project 2025.

Relax, nothing will change no matter who gets elected because the oligarchy owns both parties.

The Cheney's are a corrupt warmongering dynasty. They should be audited, then prosecuted at the Hague. Same with warmongers Bush and Obama.

Bannon was thrown in jail for ignoring a Congressional subpoena, like Eric Holder (AG under Obama) did. Why did Bannon go to jail but Holder didn't?

We're already in an oligarchy and you're worried about a theocracy?

It's all bullshit. The mean old wannabe dictator was already POTUS. Did he order the military to arrest Congress?

Nope. You know what he also didn't do? Start Amy new armed conflicts. First POTUS since Carter not to be a warmonger. That was NOT on my bingo card in 2016.

Yanamamo are so lazy their counting system is "1, 2, more than 2". 😂 You're not working hard in the society.

Although you do have to learn the strict etiquette of an Axe Fight. 🤔

The Yanamamo of the Amazon would like a word with you. If I recall from Anthropology, it takes all but 15 hours of "work" a week for them to meet their needs. I think that's a record for laziest society in history.

It sucked doing figure 8s in the Indian Ocean for months. I was worried when the war started, but it was over in less than a week and I didn't know anyone who died.