:firework1: Happy 400K :firework2:

Just sounds like you're salty that your boy Farage isn't PM.

Reform would set the UK back 50 years. Rewind they should be called.

Yeah it was that policy that made it a deal breaker for me.

Green voters, how do you feel about the parties Trident stance in the current climate?

Rammstein haven't played since 2016.

That's great for you. But Lilith is unbeatable without perfect gear, which is a shame because it feels that no matter what I do, I'll never be able to do that content. As for pit 100+, not reaching that is OK because Neath iron starts at 61.

I don't mind not being able to pushing content like the pit, but I hate spending all my time finding good items and then bricking them which in turn means I can't get the damage needed to beat Lilith.

There's also the potential it doesn't, If this is just steam users which you say is 10% of the player base.

You must be a proper hardcore grinder. I think with very limited time, the tempering system and the ability to brick an otherwise amazing item is extremely time consuming.

Just going to reply to this comment as it's saying to avoid bradley Stoke like The plague.

I've lived in Brislington, Filton and St Paul's and I currently live in Bradley Stoke. Of the 3, Bradley Stoke is by far my favourite.

It definitely can seem like a bit on the side of Bristol that is very quiet, but that's exactly what I like. It has quick and frequent busses for transport to the centre, and when you're fed up of the hussle and hussle, you can return to your home in Bradley Stoke, and even if you return at the early hours, the place is really safe.

You do kind of need a car or a bike to get to Filton or Gloucester Road in good time, and that is something you'll have to consider. All things considered, if you do drive, Bradley Stoke is probably the best place you can live that offers easy transport between Bristol and any other city.

I still think we're better off sticking with ETH, at least until there's a CLEAR upgrade available. I don't know how Potter or Southgate would be any better.

However, he needs to consider what he says in interviews. Fuck the Palace performance, we need to address the entire season. The Palace performance was woeful, but it wasn't even that much worse than the majority of games this season. It's not a one off performance that we need to improve on, it's every match we've played pretty much.

The truth may very well be between, but the fact multiple United managers have said that Sancho doesn't train well, and is often late leads me to believe it. Plus the fact that Ten Hag allowed sancho time away, only then to just mention it when he was asked why he wasn't selected.

It will be interesting to see how his career develops.

I think the intensity of the Prem would be far too much for Bundesliga teams. Obviously there are exceptions like Bayern, and every now and again, Dortmund, Leverkusen or Leipzig. But recency bias is creeping in here.

Sure... There are a lot of clubs that have been very fortunate to win the champions league over the years.

Wolves, Palace, and Brighton would easily be top 4 in the Bundesliga.

Sancho hasn't played great in the prem since he arrived. So much so that he had to have time off, which United and Ten Hag allowed him to do... Fully paid. ETH criticised his training dedication, and he flips on the guy that was his biggest supporter?

Sure, champions league final is his level. Rather he be at your club than mine.

Jesus christ, there's a lot of sympathy for Sancho just because ETH has been shit this season. Sancho repeatedly was late for training, and preferred partying and playing fifa more than playing for United.

He's obviously a talented player, United paid 80M for him. But no way would I have him back at the club. The reason he does so well in Bundesliga is probably because he's away from external influences that make him want to go out and party for one. He could be in training every day because he wants to show United up. Or maybe Bundesliga is just his level.

I hope he wins the CL... Just for it to add 10M to the price tag.