I'd say this problem pretty much takes care of itself.

After you clear a base, hang around at the ammo dealer's table and listen to his radio for a while.

q/ "shutdown... whenever possible, and if you as an application are busy saving something, I'll wait until everything is properly shut down.... oh you don't want to shut down and are still going to run? OK I guess.".

"I don't give a damn what you are doing you have till this count to shutdown or I will restart without you shutting down properly.". /q

Windows has gotten wordy in its old age.

Well, let's see. I can't live without Valhalla Reverb, and so far I've gotten by without Fab Filter. So, there you go.

Alfred Hitchcock eat your heart out.

Not a problem really, you just have to raise the antenna up 5,000 ft. to overcome the curvature.

And Radio Shack selling "Digital Ready" speakers back when CDs first came out.

Synthesizers.com has been doing this for years.

Well I guess In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, if you can call that progressive, I guess so. But what really lit the fuse was when my brother brought home The Yes Album.

Ah, sorry. In "the old days" all receivers, integrated amps and preamps had tape loops. The Tape Out was a fixed line level (it did not follow the Volume control).

I don't know, but he was there when you left.