Good advice, tho from my experience - attraction to toxic women usually goes in pair with getting attached way too fast, feeling the thrill. Which can make it really hard to not get emotionally involved quickly.

That's the best you can do. Also - don't wait for the possible 'what if' scenario. He made his mind once, he will do it twice.

And yeah, consistency is the key. Not the actual number of messages or amount, but consistency.
I guess you should move on, there are good people are there (or so I want to believe).

I didn't, but I always have mixed feelings about so called 'green' and 'red' flags. There is no such thing unless it is obviously wrong (like without any doubt).
People operate on different frequencies and have different needs. I believe that quality and consistency is more important than quantity.
So if the contact is frequent, and you're both fine with how frequent it is, then it is fine. If you need more/less, communicate it.

It is not wrong to still require effort and attention. However, I understand that some people simply need some time 'off' social interactions to gain energy. If he didn't mention that, then he probably wasn't one of those anyway.

The simplest truth says - if someone cares, they will find the time. Maybe less, maybe two or three messages per day, but they will let you know if something is going on, if they simply can't or are distracted. Simple as that. I learned that during multiple attempts with various people.

Always think like this - if you would have not much time, wouldn't you still try to communicate a bit to let someone know that?

About the last part - pushing someone isn't going to get you anywhere really. If someone doesn't respond, this is their response. Childish and without respect, but it is.

If you can get the movies yourself (I won't say the most possible source for this), then I would recommend using Plex. Basically one person sets a plex server on their computer (add movies to it). Then, both of you use Plex from your browser to 'party' together and watch together. The app automatically plays it for both at the same time.
Keep in mind that if the distance is long - like Europe to East Asia or something - there still will be a slight delay, but not significant.

I think there is also an app for that on mobile and/or desktop.

You shouldn't need a game master for that. I couldn't turn on the game mode, but changing the preset from 'film/movie' to 'game' worked.

It probably isn't some secret knowledge, but when I played a bit more with Taoqi/Spectro-Rover combo, I noticed that Rover's time freeze outro works pretty well with Taoqi hit-like-a-truck intro, especially when switching on quick enemies that teleport (like some bosses).

A bit late mate, but please - don't care!
People come and go. Only a few will remain in you life, you might meet them later down the road. I'm 31 and aside from my closest family, only the few close friends call or meet me with wishes. I don't count facebook ones, which people usually write because it pops up.

About celebration - well, I rarely celebrate my birthday at all. But if you want to, then do something you wanted to do - go places, buy yourself something nice, or just order a pizza and chill in the bed all day long.
And yeah, I understand things like this hit hard. Don't let it get to yourself.

And most importantly - happy birthday, wish you the best!


Thanks! Some good ideas, was thinking about Sanhua as well.

Yeah honestly I'm still exploring characters and how they work together. So far Taoqi worked nicely with Calcharo.
But yes, I play her as a combo of burst damage and support for now. Will see how things will go later in the game.

I didn't think of Rejuvenating set, thanks. Will check this out.
Currently I'm using Dauntless Evernight as well, but I'm not at lvl 70 even yet.

What other characters you use in a team with her?
Currently have Verina and Calcharo, sometimes using second team with Verina and Spectro-Rover for fun as I simply like to play as Rover (she/he's the MC after all).

I'm not that far in the game yet, but I honestly love Taoqi. Intro that is a HUGE burst dmg, then putting shield on and maybe using the 'R' ability if possible, swap back to my main DPS with a shield on and repeat. Plus I really like her model.

What are your specs?
I run it on i7 9th gen and RTX 2070 with no issues, tho I get that this is pretty high specification a game like this and have no stutters, framerate seems consistent for most of the time.

Nier 100%. Tho Replicant is missing, Automata is really philosophical and raises existential questions as much as possible.

A bit late to the party, but you're wrong. Everyone is different.
Years ago I became a single father. Uncommon, but it happens. In my country, even when making much more than minimum wage, the market is so bad that is is literally impossible to rent an apartment that is more than a single room and have enough money to do not worry how you will make it to the next month. And the amount of money I could get for a mortgage is pathetic in the city I live in, that I could buy a single room apartment and pay for it til I die.
The other option is to live with my mother, who respects my privacy. It is not only easier to actually have a social life that way (as it is easier to go out if my mother can stay with my kid almost any time), but also much more affordable.
I still do housekeeping, I pay half of every bill.

Not everyone who lives with their parents is lazy and choose the easy way to live.

Could be. Tho I still believe the structure sent to the past (because Midgard was basically Europe until the Cataclysm) was around the time Accord was built. Comic depicted her connection to the cathedral city. Also Cataclysm also brought dragons, most likely bioengineered at the same time. But we will probably never know, I doubt Yoko Taro will ever give a specific answer. He likes to leave loose ends and space for speculation.

  • they are tacticians, strategists and find simplest solutions to problems that couldn't be solved as easily in real life scenarios. Like how Germans could win the war easily by encircling every Soviet division using medium tanks lol or why didn't people overthrow Hitler like they did in a game
  • they think Japanese aimed at Philippines and not Pearl Harbor
  • they believe that there were really groups in Greece that actually aimed for restoring Byzantine Empire during WW2
  • they don't realize Japan was historically one of the three majors in the axis
  • they picture themselves as WW2 experts without any actual historical knowledge, basing theirs on focus descriptions lol

Maybe. I guess people who only played Reload will love it anyway, while older fans might dislike it. But it seems you're right on this.

I guess that depends on the song. In When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars I feel like she took entirely different approach and differs from the original singer significantly. Which is good, as she sings in her own style and I love it. The song is on par with the original with a different vibe, but both versions are great.

In Burn My Dread yeah, it feels like she's trying to recreate the same style.

I will be in a minority, but I love it and consider it simply different version. I listen to both quite often. Tho probably in "choose 1 only" I would choose original one.

Still good and Reload's soundtrack is still great.

  • Morgana: The Sims
  • Ryuji: Far Cry 6
  • Ann: Gris
  • Yusuke: Journey
  • Makoto: Tekken 3
  • Futaba: Shin Megami Tensei V
  • Haru: Manhunt
  • Sumire: Just Dance
  • Akechi: Hitman
  • Sophia: PC Building Simulator
  • Zenkichi: LA Noire

I loved Fallen Order, but in Survivor I think writing is... very weird. Because most of new characters are really cartoonish and behave weird.

Overall - I liked the theme of the game, I kinda liked those characters, but they really seem overdeveloped to serve the plot, and underdeveloped to make it believable.