If it's the size of your thumb, it's too small to tell. Wait for the shell to grow 4" long.

That's for the really stupid people. It's like a laugh track for a meme. It's the same reason why boomer Facebook memes have emojis.

That sounds like a good setup. Be sure to replace the bulb every 6 months. My only suggestion for improvement is to use a T5 UVB fixture instead as they are more effective, but what you have should work for the time being. BTW, that's a female yellow bellied slider, not a male red eared slider.

This shell doesn't look good. I imagine that the previous owner might not have had the proper setup. What are you using in terms of UVB lighting?

He appears in many of Magic Man's episodes. Despite being freed, he still lives in Magic Man's house because HIS NEW PRISION IS SHAME!

10+ Yr Old RES

Yes. Skin shedding is very normal. They also shed their scutes as well so long as you are providing them with sufficient calcium and UVB. You should not help the shedding except feeding wheat germ pellets.

Ha. Well, that was the first thing I read when I woke up, so my sarcasm detection was running suboptimally.

Because they're deluded into the belief that the military defende freedom.

You're obfuscating words with the phenomena those words describe.

"Mental health" is a physical phenomenon that describes a physical function of the human brain, a physical oject in the real world. I don't even know what the fuck "spiritual health" means, but spiritual is by definition what is not in the physical world.

So "all words are made up" is technically true, but it doesn't even adress my original point and is thus a meaningless statement.

10+ Yr Old RES

I'd be careful about bulbs that claim to be a "combo" of UVA/UVB. You only need UVB out of a UVB bulb. Most heat bulbs also provide UVA, which has a completely unrelated and less important function than UVB. Mesh top is good to have since they allow UVB through unlike glass tops.

Uhhh, I can't handle the stupid on this one. How can anyone say mental health is made up while defending a term that was literally made up. There's nothing more made up than the "spiritual."

I don't see any signs of shell rot. It's retained scutes for sure. Most likely there is either no UVB or the bulb hasn't been replaced past the end of its service life.

10+ Yr Old RES

From the angle in picture 2, I didn't know what the light fixture was sitting on top of since I don't see a screen. I just want to make sure that you don't have a glass lid or glass between the UVB light and the basking area since that blocks UVB.

Sounds great. If I had to put Nile monitor on that list, I'd rank it at 1,000,000.

Ha, you had me going. The only thing on that list that can work for that size is (1) leopard gecko. (2) Beardies need 4x2x2 and (3) basilisk 4x3x2.

Or he didnt see it coming (which is what the bible implies) which also means hes not omnipotent and therefore the bible contradicts itself

I mean, this is really the only correct interpretation. The Bible was written by so many different people who interpreted the character of God very differently from modern Christian interpretations. God from book to book has very different characterizations.

God of the Old Testament clearly didn't have any foresight. He's always reacting tho things humans do rather than preventing them. He didn't even know where Adam and Eve were hiding from him. And the snake was just a snake (with legs?). It's never said to be Satan. It's only with Christian recontexulizing that the snake becomes something more.

In the Old Testament, Satan was clearly working for God. They were gambling buddies after all. To say that the Satan from Job is actually the snake from Genesis is giant unjustified crackpot idea, but Christianity gets away with it because it'sthe dominant religion. It's like really bad fanfiction, except people believe it's real.

10+ Yr Old RES

Google lied to you. It's a red eared slider. If she's on land, she's laying eggs. Put her back.

10+ Yr Old RES

Indeed. Also, turtles should not be cohabbed. They might be okay as babies, but you'd be putting them at risk of injury by having them together as they grow larger. 3 turtles means 3 tanks.