I'm still scared of it. I can't look at anything small or put my eye covers on without freaking out.

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Beware that the video I linked is a propaganda video but it shows a Hamas militant tagging an IDF soldier.

Hamas POV

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I don't think so. Iran has shit aviation equipment and the helicopters probably weren't maintained properly.

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I rather not speculate but apparently, the 2 helicopters that were assigned with them left.

Agreed, I'm wondering what they are saying that's "scary", lol. It's just an inverted picture and they are dragging an imaginary point.

Traumatized from AIWS..?

Greetings to whoever reads this, I'm wondering if anyone has been traumatized by AIWS and how has it affected your life. I will start with my experience, I haven't been able to sit with my family to eat. It feels like the table is getting pushed away and an episode is about to happen. I haven't been to look at things look normally like before without freaking out about an episode. An example would be the time I looked at a photo of a spaceship going straight through clouds. I'm too scared to even look at extremely small items without thinking I'm going to have an episode. This is sad and has ruined my life.

edit 1: grammar fixes


Naoya. If hakari pops jackpot everything is still in favor of Naoya. Though, I'm basing this off of all their fights that are in the manga and I could be wrong.

Sob. I liked the way this pen worked. The lines were so fine for drawing and writing.

How does Kenny transfer his brain onto another body? Manga Discussion

I assume he has a curse nearby under control to assist him in transferring the brain onto the body? I have always wondered about this and how it works, it might be a dumb question but I'm curious if my answer is correct.

They most likely don't give a shit about the poor kids that died that day.

I didn't know this existed. I have started noticing I would wake up a few times with a morning log or touch my log at times. Thank God, it doesn't happen anymore.

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I thought it was satire. ๐Ÿ’€