Are you one of those turds that cuts them off perfectly good 'free' appliances on the roadside?

After all the 'biDeN sNiFfs KiDz' BS it'll be interesting to see where they move the goalposts on this one.

So you're salty about the Canucks? No wonder you came to the salt mine.

Yeah, it's far better now with Elon censoring the other half of the population.

It's definitely turned into a Q Anon Loser Manifesto.

I think some people like to call popular things underrated just to act like they got in on the 'ground floor' and they're here to 'educate the plebs'. It's kinda cute.

Idk, seemed too sugary to me. Just my take though.

All good. The bay turned plaid... took us all for a loop.

'This is not as hot a party as I had anticipated'


Both can be the case. It's not specifically one or the other.

Imagining Kane not shining his veneers brings me solace.