If this asshole wouldnt live in russia, i will puch him in the face.

No we dont. Most people are fine with billionaries existing and working for pennies till they die. If you think your life has no value, you dont value other peoples lives.

Only thing wrong with biden is trying to play a game in a fair way . Conservatives dont play fair, but they will pay the price eventually anyway.

You mean the same guy that is not a rapist, criminal , selling state secrets, loving dictators other guy?

How not every comment is not political?, the supreme court just killed the contry and thirty percent of the population plans to vote for a criminal pedo and a rapist ?. Fuck trump and fuck all the people watching this happen without doing nothing about it. But nooo, let keep jerking off with guns untill the nazis take power and decided to take away all the rights. Funny how some folks think that wouldnt going to happen to them.

Amazingly useless skill. Like giving democracy to conservatives.

Amazing. We can see stars in the sky, and if the earth were flat, we could see any light of any city of earth on a flat horizon, but...we cant. For obvious reasons. Flat earth is one of the dumbest conspiracies ever.

Or...hear me out, we can put the conservative supreme court justices and trump in a hole and toss the key.

So, one of his childs is gonna kill him?

Jajajaja. I promise you, not one soccer fan think about US, they dont give a fuck if it is popular here or not.

Nothing screams freedom like forbidden things, banish books, taking rights away.

This group is bombarded lately with rightwing assholes. I guessing the victory is still not assured.

When the nazis are back in power, she will be the first to go. Sadly that will be to late.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Only dumb americans cheer baseball like it is interesting.

Im with you. Having a party with no morals, with the back of the dark money and the church, willing to do anything, no matter what, to win...and the other party are pussies with a useless conscience. So long america. Its like watching the roman empire to fall in real time.

"Le dieron por el lado oscuro con toda la fuerza". Darth Vader

Biden could be dead and still he is better than the idiot rapist.