And yet, I get the feeling Tanya is an adrenaline junkie. Like one of those people dreaming of retirement who then complain how bored they are. She just has too much fun being the Devil of the Rhine.

This. I watched a random episode the other day, just browsing. All the caporegime having lobster and deciding who's gonna be boss.

Tony: "My uncle is a stubborn man."

Jimmy Altieri: "Stubborn enough to go to war?"

Tony: "What kind of word is that?"

Larry Barese: "There hasn't been a war since the Colombo thing."

And I'm hooked again.

Idagio classical music for €10/month, pretty much every recording of classical music ever, don't know how they do it, honestly.

Also ther NYtimes for €8 is nice.

It's not a power move. With a translator you have more time to think and can always say "It was mistranslated, I did not say that." It's not uncommon in business and politics.

Agreed. I could not buy Don Cheadle as an elite officer. He's just a likable, goofy guy. Howard looked straight laced an uncomfortable around Stark, which is what you want.

Emma Watson in Little Women. She's just not that good of an actor, specially next to Florence Pugh, Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet and Lauran Dern. She was painful to watch.

I mean, The Mummy did the same: "how many incredibly attractive people can I fit in one Egyptian tomb."

I would love that we make first contact and are told that there are several thousand advanced civilisations in the galaxy and they are all members of the Galactic Federation, but we did not get invited because we...gasp!... used nuclear weapons on each other.

"We used to, but every one of the other half dozen civilisations to have developed nuclear weapons self destructed before being admitted. So we don't bother any more."

"Schnell! Arbeit macht frei!"

Laugh at my dark joke and hope it's not an AI vacuum...

Assume it's a hidden camera TV prank, and be ready to look great on camera. Prepare to exit via the nearest door in case it's not and they truly are wackos, violently if needed. They key to violence it escalate faster than the other guy. If it's no prank and they mean it they won't reason with me anyway. Don't attack the leader though. Cultists go berserk if you do.

When I saw it for the first time and the two terminators meet for the first time at the mall, with John Connor in the middle, I though "wait, is this a full length movie? Because he's toast." Then "Oh, the old Terminator is protecting him..."

Sabaj D5/Cayin Ru6/Hifiman XS/7hz Timeless

The one's I've seen in the past said you could only pay with I think it was Western Union or some such method that you cannot get your money back. Scam.

salami and butter toasted sandwich. Will be the death of me...

And getting rid of them will be considered unconstitutional by 6-3 majority.

I remember election night when Gore was robbed of the presidency. America was till then a confident, unchallenged superpower, on it's way to erase national debt.

The Onion was prescient:

This seems like a long concerted effort to turn it into a banana republic, or maybe into Putin's Russia. I can see why the Russia of autocrats and billionaires could be aspirational for some. Life is so much easier for those at the top. The Europe of rules and regulations will be the rival, it's mere existence a challenge.

So Justice Gorsuch was likely appointed with this one decision in mind.

When I'm rich I'm hiring that security guard. Fearless and sharp looking.

Most voters would prefer practically any candidate, Democrat or Republican, of the last forty years, over the current ones. Maybe Bush Jr. would be the exception. There's a video of a psychiatrist comparing President Bush, to Texas governor Bush, pointing out the the clear cognitive decline. Quick, witty, charismatic Governor Bush vs confused and slow President Bush. So there is a pattern there. People don't want senile presidents.

The rest look amazing now, just watch any of them in a presidential debate:

Obama, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Dole, Clinton, Gore, Bush Sr., Dukakis...

I've had Huel with coconut milk, was only 4 days but no issues. Any similar cereal and nut powder would do, Soylent, Rootana...

Someone was dead inside last year in Iceland.

Kill Michael and say something along the lines of: "That's for betraying me 12 years ago." Trevor will be like "You too?" Franklin will stay out of it.