Thank you, I kept scrolling back rereading because I didn't know who this boyfriend was and where was BIL. I also raised an eyebrow at the underwear and booty shorts. I know it's kind of bad to say but it just seems weird to bring that up.

Is that why you always see green associated with poison. I had learned about arsenic being used to make green dye but I never put the two and two together. That's interesting.

My parents always encouraged me to ask questions. If we didn't know the answer we'd head to the library to look it up. We raised out kids the same way. Half of our conversations in our house is questions. Us humans are curious critters. It's just in our nature to want to learn. FIL is close to 70 and still loves watching documentaries on history or nature. It just feels unnatural to not seek out answers.

Yeah, in the long run it was much better for him. It took him years of love and therapy to fully understand that. For long time he would say that he always wondered what he did wrong for her to hate him so much that she sent him away and didn't talk to him for years.

She's on husband number 5 if that gives you an idea about how she gets on with other people. He's a toady so I think he's staying. I see my husband's stepmother as my true MIL. She's been a wonderful grandmother to the kids and a great mother to my husband.

My husband woke up one school day to his mother handing him a plan ticket and a suitcase. She sent him across the country to live with his father because she was tired of his poor grades. It was the middle of the week and it was a surprise for his father too. He was 15 years old and by himself (this was before 9/11 so security was lighter. Him and his father have never forgiven his mother for this.

She can't wrap her head around the fact that husband and FIL have both cut her off and want nothing to do with her. She never saw what she did as a bad thing.

You're making me want to watch Schitt's Creek again. I love that show so much and this whole thing seems like it would have been a story in it.

My mother has her old stuffy Larry the lion on a shelf. She's 68. She says he needs to be cherished and on display because they don't make him anymore so he's special. And she's right.

My FIL loves football, his mother also taught him how to cook and do laundry (He has 5 bothers and 1 sister it was a full house so it was easier for the whole family to learn how to clean and cook to keep things in order). The rule in the house was if you don't cook you have to watch dishes. No one liked washing dishes to the kids would fight over who cooked. It was never seen as woman's work.

He taught my husband how to cook. I sill remember our first anniversary my husband cooking us a wonderful dinner. Now our sons know how to cook. The rule of the house is if you don't cook you clean the kitchen and let the cook rest. Cooking and cleaning are just part of adult life.

The first step of admitting that you need help is always the hardest. I hope that Jennifer gets the help she needs. Her going out of her way to apologize give me a bit of hope. That's not an easy thing to do when you've done something wrong.

That's what I couldn't understand about how the mother reacted. I started teaching my boys how to cook at that age, they helped me cook when they wanted too. As they got older I let them do more things until I felt they were ready to cook on their own. This was how I, my husband, FIL, my mother, and my father learned to cook.

My youngest really has a love for it, he's also loves sharing cooking videos he's found on youtube with me to try. Now he wants to go to culinary school. I just cant imagine ever getting upset because my son could be a better cook then me. Isn't that what parents want for their children, for them to grow to be better?

I'm so sorry your mother yelled at you for trying to learn to cook. I hope that some day you try again. I always tell my sons the story of when I first tried to cook on my own I set an egg on fire. It freaked my mom out, but my dad laughed after the fact because it was so out there. Then they taught me the right way to fry an egg.

This post needs to be higher. OP not being able to get an epi pen after being in the hospital for days made me suspicious.