Annual gross income? The total cost of the car or the monthly payment? I just would like to know much people make that big these cars.

Can I ask a completely serious question? How much money do you make that you can afford such an expensive car. I think i make a lot but would feel uncomfortable purchasing such an expensive car. How much household income do you think is needed to buy such a car?

It’s like when you go to a tourist center and you can pin on a map the country you are visiting from. Except it’s your face.

What does vacation bonus mean? This is confusing to me. Is that separate from aguinaldo?

They are offering MX$35,000 per month with private health insurance. Is that good?

Good salary in Mexico City?Ayuda/Help

Hi! I’m seeking to hire an administrative assistant in Mexico City. What would you say is a good monthly salary in Mexico City?

Agreed on the window. That window looks out of place and incongruent with the lines of the car, almost chopped. It doesn’t look like a coherent design. I like 90% of the new look, but those back side windows are a travesty.

TIL that even chairs of economic councils are about as confused about how money works as i myself am.

How long until we can feed a full episode to an AI and it rebuilds the entire episode in this style? Amazing times we are living in

The New York Times did a careful investigation. These graves were likely dug before the Israeli raids. It was not uncommon for bodies to be buried there by Gazans. There is no evidence of removal or organs, etc. That claim is unsubstantiated. Israeli forces apparently did disturb the graves looking for bodies of hostages. But there is no evidence that those bodies were placed there after executions, etc. it is misinformation to claim so.

I think naming a kitty “Entire Refrigerator” is a tad odd

Yeah, as someone whose family survived a communist regime . . . Nope. There is no optimism in communism, no dignity, no freedom. Only imbeciles who live in nice comfortable rich countries could possibly think well of communism…move to a communist country and then opine

This also confirms that our brains are engaging in a form of generative ai all the time. It’s just like dreaming.

Wow, just wow! It’s just a matter of time until there will be full ai movies! I guess i can see now why the writers guild were so upset; how many years until full movies?

Amazingly, the vaccine was made over a weekend. The testing took 8 months

But if you don’t want to get killed, stabbed, car jacked etc etc, stay away from dc

Whatever man, unless this goes on for months let them be. One day you may need to do work in your own condo. Don’t be a jerk

How can you be so dumb to not have seen the misery of communist countries like Cuba and North Korea? Give me a break with Yugoslavia. Why is you iq so lo?

These are great. Do Paleolithic, ancient Indian, Native American, etc

That’s what I’m getting too from listening to him. He recently had Bret Stephens on and I swear I heard pretty much an argument for “revenge” being somehow justified.

Call a drains and drainage company. Get a bunch of quotes as the prices vary widely and some companies overcharge. You need some sort of drain put there to move that water put

I’ve learned from animations of Chinese industrial accidents that this is a bad idea.