I live in Brazil, I don't have a Car and don't even use Taxi/Uber, I'm Asexual so won't have Kids, my Job is just seeling Drawings on the Internet, I live in a very small city on an Apartment and have just enough money to pay my Bills and get some Food, I also live with my Mother and Brother, I don't have friends on my City but have plenty around the World, both on my Country and many others, I'm very shy and have social anxiety, what is the best thing I can do to help rising awareness and reducing my CO2 Emissions? I want to do something, I don't have neither the Money nor Mentality to do something like a protest or completely change the technologies I use, but I want to at least do something, even if it's small for now, what can I do to fight against climate change and the constant despair and hopelessness doomers try to make me feel?

I feel like if people get very noisy and loud about this issue (Which has been happening in ana ccelerate way through the past years) we are gonna make improvements in an abnormal fast way, but doomers say that until then we will already be too far to change anything...

I needed someone to be this imposing, thank you.. It's not my friends honestly, I have VERY few Doomer Friends and I avoid talking about these things we them, it's mostly the communities, pages, channels and sites I go that I find so much doomers, on Twitter, Reddit and Youtube, they even call me stupid and ignorant for believing we can make a difference...

I'm voting for Jozu on this one, Jack and Burgess are pure brute force, Jozu was stated in a Databook to have Phjysical Strenght comparable to the Strongest Characters in the Series, besides his Devil Fruit basically makes Jack and Burgess unable to do shit against him, as for Cracker, I doubt his Biscuit Soldiers can do anything against Jozu's Diamond Body, not to mention he should be as (If not more) skilled as Cracker so I'm voting for him

Megalokenophobia (A Name I came up with for a Phobia I have that I couldn't find)

I have this quite specific Phobia, and I never found any Term for it, even ChatGPT couldn't find one, so I came up with a name for it and would like to share it here

"Megalokenophobia" (from Greek megalo meaning large, keno meaning empty, and phobia meaning fear) Is the Fear of Huge Empty Spaces and an overwhelming sense of vastness

While it might sounds liek Thalassophobia, it's far more diverse than it, the fear of being in a Huge, Empty Place with no Floor that is exactly the same everywhere, the Ocean, the Sky, the Outer Space and even a vast Desert which actual Floor is udner meters of sand are all examples.

Not ebing able to even see the Floor, much less touch it, wherever you look it's the same, just floating in the mysterious and immense vastness, compeltely defenceless.

Can anyone related to this? And is there already a term for a Phobia like this? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with a Fear like this, despite the Ocean being usually the only palce people mention in Fears like this, the Sky and Outer Space are just as scary in this way, maybe the Desert one is a bit too specific tho.

You just made Robin's Peak Design, also damn she THICC

Is there any place where I can buy the Merchandises that are already Sold Out/Removed from the Store?Discussion/Question

There are plenty of Merchandises I would like to buy, like that Meggy Figure and Plush, but it got sold out many Years ago, is there any other place where I can buy them? With the Original Price if possible

These are the oens I would like to buy




Agreed, like someone else commented, Humanity survived the Ice Age with Stone and Sticks, whihc was something completely out of our control, meanwhile we CAN slow down Climate Changes and maybe even stop it for all in the Distant Future, sure things will be tough and harder, but Humanity won't give in so easily, even more when this is something we caused so we gotta fix it before we naturally go extinct like any other species in some Million Years

Thank you for the words, it's hard to not be scared by all this, and of course I still am, but I can't become just another Doomer nor pretend this is not happening, thing will be tough for this Generation, but effortsa re being made and I will make sure to do everything I can to rise awareness about this, the Present will be difficult, but hopefully we can make a better Future for the next generations

Thank you man.. A lot of people came here to help and I seeked some help outisde this Reddit too, God I even went as far as asking ChatGPT about this, it made me feel a lot better, Im obviously still scared, but at least now I know having Hope is essential in this situation, I will do everything I can and keep spreading awareness, fix all this will be slow and a lot of things won't change, but I'm sure we can make the Future better to our next generation

Not having kids don't make me any better... I care about PEOPLE, my dreams are not just what I want to do in my life.... My greatest dreams always were the things people would do in the future, even if I was dead.. If there's no future, then I have no dreams...

I need help, please...

Okay I never posted in this Sub before, I don't know how things work and what is the common consensus here, this Post might not be allowed here and maybe it will make my situation even worse, but I'm completely desperate and I need help...

This is something that have been affecting me a lot in the past Months... I got interested, no, I was basically forced by myself to learn about Climate Change and Global Warming, because nowadays everywhjere I go people talk about it, and never in my life I felt so scared and hopeless...

The more I searched, the worse it got, I was able to find people giving a spark of hope, pointing out many advancements we made like Kurzgesagt, and it helped me a lot, but then I found out how this is seen as a completely unrealistic view...

Everywhere I went people acted like it is the Apocalypse, like we are all doomed and there's nothing we can do, that doing small things does not change anything, and that all the Projects to fix Climate Change are bullshit and will not work...

And that's not just Internet Doomers, Scientists are hopeless too, and whenever someone brings up solutions, hundreds of people point out there's way more problems and how this is worthless... The most optimistic views are that we only have less than 6 years left to do something, but most people say we are many years late, and that we will never be able to do anything at this point...

I always supported Projects that seek ALternative Energies and ways to geenrate it outside the Planet, but everyone tells me this will not work and that we need to change Politics and the whole Economy to do something, and that I should forget about these "childish dreams"...

Everyone seems so confident that by 2050 it will be over, that Humanity will not survive this Century and many are cheering about it.. I was born in 2002, so I WILL be alive, and even if I wasn't, I don't want Future Generations to face this Apocalyptic Scenario, I'm not having Children nor will get married (i'm Asexual), I just care about people even if I will never know them...

Since I was a Kid I was so hopeful for Humanity, every Year I saw we improving Socially, Minorities being more and more accepted, Technology advancing to a point it felt like Magic, amazing people becoming Famous and doing wonderful things, we are far form Perfect, but we kept improving every single Year, I knew in the Future we would get even better, but now all this seems meaningless, because it feels like there's no Future...

Exploring Space, reviving Extinct Species, discovering the Mysteries of Earth's Past, figuring out Quantum Physics, turning Sci-Fi Technology real, not being Prejudiced becoming Common Sense, is this really just a Dream now...?

Many people were extremely rude to me because I said I believed we could change this, calling me stupid, insensitive, ignorant, saying that people like me are the problem and that I should just accepted we are doomed and that Humanity should just be extinct...

I always tried to keep a positive view, but it's becoming impossible to do so, not because I believe it's over, but because everyone tells me I should not have hope and even feel BAD for having hope, I really wanted to believe we were doing something, I wanted to believe the future was not lost, but everyone seems to consider this just a stupid dream now...

So why should I keep trying? Why should I keep living if Humanity will be doomed in a few years according to everyone..? Why should I have dreams if I'm gonna be alive when the World ends..? Why should I keep trying if everyone tells me I'm stupid for trying..?

Is this really the end..? There's really nothing we can do..? Are all the dreams I ahd since I was Kid just that, a dream...? Please someone.. Anyone help me...

Lucci showing he actually cares for Kaku was definitely not something I ever expected to see, but I'm glad it happened

Literally EVCERYONE said it was gonna be from 3 to 3 Months?????

Why isn't it going to be released this Month like it should??????????????????

Death God and Heavenly Demon

About Gray...Question / Discussion

When Gray stops being Gray and bcomes Black or White? Is there like, an actual point where it stops being considered Gray or as long as the RGB Colors are not 0 or 255 it is still Gray?

I couldn't find anything about it so I got curious, is there any general consensus about this?

The one and onlly Best Girl from the whole Series! Miss Buttcrus- I MEAN! Miss Valentine!

Paying with PayPal still says I need to add a Credit Card

So, I want to support some of my fav creators on Fanbox, but I don't have a Credit Card, I saw people saying that the PayPal Option allows you to sub without needing one, but when I select it I'm redirected to a page that asks me to add one ;-;

I'm from Brazil so the Bank Account I use is not supported, my only source of Money is my Fanbox, it's not enough to get a Credit Card, so I really need help with this, I can't even support my fav japanese creators

Anyone knows if there is actually a way to sub without needing to add a Credit Card? Because PayPal clearly is not this option, please help!


The Cassidy from TSE is not even the one possesing Golden Freddy, they just have the same name and that's CLEARLY a coincidence, so Survival Logbook is the closest we have, but even this one I think to be a HUGE stretch

That Cassidy wa snot the one possesing Golden Freddy in the books though