So many great ones listed already, but let's add Star Trek Voyager Elite Force to the list πŸ––

Others: Metal Fatigue, Submarine Titans, Star Trek Armada, Star Trek Hidden Evil, WarCraft 2, Age of Empires 2, Lego Rock Raiders

Guess what Take-Two, I'll even wait when it eventually comes out for PC for a Steam Sale πŸ˜‰

No way! I didn't know you could get a chief custom made?! I will have to look into this.

Kid Cuisine meals from Save-A-Lot. They were a "special" treat growing up when mom would let us each get one

Bought one for my daughter a few years ago and realized how garbage they actually are. No more of that lol

Same. Felt terrible to lose such a great character.

After that scene I quit watching the show for a year. I really liked that character as a kid watching Voyager and was shocked with that gruesome scene.

Definitely poor taste in my opinion. And such a waste of a character.

I'm excited to fully unload my Vulture in one go instead of going to sell the cargo, then having to go back to the ship to unload the buffer, so I can then sell the rest of it.

I also want to be able to stockpile resources for eventual missions that require those and of course someday for crafting.

Alternative idea, maybe setup a lightly modded Minecraft Server for her and her friends to play on? You could even have her help you pick some of the mods!

It might give them that experience they're looking for but with a much better for them game.

Amd if you don't feel comfortable setting up your own server there are plenty of online services that do it all for you.

The Mule also fits in a Cuttlas Black for anyone curious!

Yes 100%. And it's going to get worse πŸ˜•

"An energy crystal has been found!"

Been playing manic miners and it's fantastic. It both holds true to the original game and adds many fun new things. My 10yr old daughter and I had a great time making custom crew characters for all our family and some friends.

Highly recommend checking it out, even if you never played the original. It's a solid lego game through and through.

Hollow Farm (like a woods hollow). I picked a black cat and call him Spooky πŸŽƒ

I don't really care about neighbors privacy in this regard (such a minimal impact), but something to keep in mind is having good insurance in case a neighborhood kid gets hurt on it.

It may seem great to have other kids come over a play but if one gets hurt on your property the parents could come after you. I know, seems ridiculous but it's not as much as you might think. It would suck to pay out 10k for an ambulance ride to the hospital for a broken arm or something.

Call your insurer and ask how much it would be to cover injuries of others on your property. We added 2 million dollars in coverage for a very small monthly increase (like $16 if I recall correctly).

Yeah it sucks. Another reason added to my list of why I want to replace them all with something else. The echos have really gone downhill over the past few years.

Glad you shared, and glad you stuck with it!

Yep exactly. College typically only caters to traditional ways of learning but the real key is not giving up and finding your own path. I graduated with a 2.6 GPA and have been in IT for 11 years now :)

Can you come in on time, use google/resources to find answers to questions, write down what you did, keep going when the answer doesn't come easy and right away, and can you hold a conversation for a couple of minutes? These are the skills that get you in the door and make me want to hire you.

I want someone I can rely on and isn't difficult to be around. The skills and knowledge can and will be taught. But being a shit person to work with is a deal breaker.

I have 11 years in IT and currently manage a 30 million dollar company's entire IT infrastructure. Work from home full time and get paid 100k a year. College GPA was 2.6 and managed to graduate with an associate and bachelors degree, neither in the IT field. Got my start as an intern and learned about 99% of my knowledge on the job. No certs.

You can make it if you keep trying. Good luck!

My 10yr old daughter loves the show. It's pretty enjoyable but definitely geared towards younger kids maybe 4-8 imo.