YTA because you could have been grey rocked your mom and donated the clothes to a child in need instead.

If anything you didn’t slap him hard enough. Would have knocked him into next Tuesday if that were me.

My son failed his first hearing test because he still had fluid in his ears from being on the inside. I genuinely don’t think the Indy 500 would have a bearing on your daughter’s hearing.

NTA. Divorce is thrown around too easily in this sub, however, in your situation it is perfectly called for. Your husband should not be abandoning you at this difficult time.

NTA. If a person needs special accommodations, the onus is on them to sort it out before traveling. It is not the responsibility of others to do it for them after the fact.

That hobosexual deserved alllll of that! Thank you for making me laugh today!

When guys say “YOU got yourself into this situation,” it makes me see red. It takes two to tango, sir! NTA for wanting him near you but also a little bit of Y T A for wanting him near you, because you can do so so so much better.

You didn’t ruin your family’s life - they did with their abhorrent actions. Stay well OOP!

YTA. What’s the big deal about an 11 year old doing a fun elective instead of a serious one? You are massively overreacting in this situation.

I vetoed my FIL’s name because he’s a narcissist and an imbecile.

INFO: why is she having a shower when she already has a child? Full blown showers are supposed to be for first child, I thought?

NTA. Did he really just unilaterally promise naming rights to his mother? I get that he’s grieving but man I’d have no kids after that!

NTA. They can’t pull the family card now when they completely ignored the needs of their family five years ago.

I agree. I enjoyed that it showed more behind the scenes but I feel like I wasn’t really rooting for anyone in particular to make the team because I didn’t get to know any of them.

Every time I have flown with my child (first at 9 weeks, then 5 months, then 10 months) a flight attendant has come up to us once we were in our seats to explain procedures and how they can help in an emergency.

NTA. You are completely justified in enforcing the prenup as is. Do you really think that if the roles were reversed he wouldn’t be enforcing it on you?

And for what it’s worth a year long affair is not a “one time mistake.” He deserves to reap what he sowed.

I would have loved to hear some retirement stories as well. I miss the dancing and panel interviews though.

NTA. You cannot claim colors for a baby shower. I get that Claire may be hormonal right now, given her current condition, but someone needs to tell her to snap out of it and stop being ridiculous.