Really hurting emotionally over this. I found out a few weeks ago I (36f) was pregnant. My boyfriend (36m) and I live together with his kids, who live with us part time. I've been on birth control for many years and have never been pregnant. This last cycle, I missed a few days of the pill but I keep track of my ovulation so I didn't think it was much risk to continue unprotected sex. I was very confident in this- I went out and drank, lived my life as usual. Welp, turns out i was pregnant.

My boyfriend didn't take the news well. He did ask me to abort, but said that if I keep it, I'd need to move out a he'd give up parental rights and would support me anyway he can at a distance. He feels I got pregnant on purpose and that I slighted him. I did not do this on purpose.

I ended up obtaining abortion pills. They recommend having someone else with you while going through the process in case there's an emergency. I was also told it was painful and honestly I just want my partner there with me to hold me and for emotional support. He has told me he would take a Saturday off from bartending so he could be with me. We decided to wait till his kids go back with their mom.

This is now the week and he hasn't asked for that day off. When I asked why, he said he needs to work, I got myself in this situation and that the world doesn't stop for me. He has told me he hates me for this.

AITAH for wanting my partner to be here for me during this time?