Also to add: If you’re going down a rabbit hole, commit to debunking it and get some therapy. You’ll look at it more critically and the therapist will help you stay in touch with reality (a social circle that isn’t filled with conspiracy nuts should also work, hell if you can do both, do both). Confirmation bias is incredibly dangerous to even the smartest people.

I love a good conspiracy and have spent ongoing years studying some passively (I like confirmed ones from the WW2-Cold War Era) but I’m asking really nicely: please take care of your mental well being.

1) you were and so was the post, given the context

2) I’m willing to believe that you didn’t realize that but it means your elevator doesn’t ride to the top

Take your pick.

Asking Millie Bobby Brown about her dating life at 15 (give or take a year) is insane. That is a man taking advantage of a girl. A child.

Kendrick spoke about generational trauma and while I don’t agree with every single conclusion, it’s hard to ignore the sheer amount of humanity that went into the song. Drake exploiting that transparency, given his history with young women and girls makes me really wish yall could see the difference.

“Wonder why my hands are so numb? No? Cause my grandmother sucked my dick and I didn’t cum. Oh.”

You said enough.

Doc continued the mistake through the current date (summer 24’). That emphasizes his fuck up and why he’s a bad person.

OP is still right. I’ll die on the hill that any famous person’s family should be kept outside of their sphere of influence. Doc has a daughter and a wife who stayed with him through an affair. Piling on either would inflict undue trauma. They have already experienced enough and it’d be unfair for anyone to involve his family.

If you’re not on his side: leave his family alone, they’re not a part of this

If you’re on his side: shit I don’t agree with you but if you leave his family alone, we can have an adult conversation about implication v. firm evidence. I think we could come to a conclusion or leave each other with something to think about. Again, just leave the wife and kid alone.

I’m an old fella with old tastes but this was a ton of fun to listen to. I’d love to be able to rap on this but again, I’m old and think this may embody a song that I can’t see for myself and that’s awesome. Keep growing!

I’m not using them for this run and I’ve spent more time and gotten more enjoyment from the game. Mods let me learn mechanics but vanilla-survival forced implementation. Those experience are different but both speak to the work put into the game, even if some were disappointed at first.

I’m trying to be magnanimous because I love the game with and without mods but I’m also building a “no mod bias”.

I talked with this dude once while hammered. We bonded. We was boys for a whole two comment dialogue. I found this out when reading the post history.

I’m fucking hurt, bruh, I didn’t think I’d get jerked like this. I may take a few days.

Targeting his family for his own actions is ridiculous and those doing those are likely inflicting an additional level of trauma onto a child and mother that is otherwise undue. That’s a shame and those doing it should be embarrassed of themselves.

I genuinely didn’t know this and I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get a third grade level bar just claiming that Drake shits himself.

The Camp v. Old Money fashion contest will rage longer than any of us can predict. I’m entirely here for it but your comment draws a really interesting line in a few arms of the entertainment industry and I’d love to see someone smarter than me explore that.

That is an insane racket, why don’t we have a book about this yet?

God abandoned us long ago but she’s definitely not coming back now.

I won’t ever stop laughing at that bit (when it comes up, I’m not perma laughing) so I appreciate the reference but must add some levity to the situation: that skit actually was really funny. Simon saying the things he did to young artists made my stomach turn. His parents have some fucking nerve to let him loose on this world.

That was easier for one of you than the other but staying out of it in any case is remarkable. I hope y’all have a splendid day. Have an ice cream cone for me, please.

Swell! A spot of tea while we wait?