How did you get that many districts in Takasaki? Used to have a lot of pops? Or used a few Great People to increase district allowance?

How else is he going to really know that she can handle the trauma of being a russian mafia wife?

Qin Unifier and Zombies. Pretty much the only time zombies is fun.

?? Having the key turned to the first notch just turns on the accessories. It has nothing to do with your spark plugs. Why would you be turning the key to the 2nd notch (which the dash lights up with red)?

Assuming it's to the 1st notch:

15 mins of radio and phone charging? No, that's tiny amounts of power.

15 mins of AC turning desert into arctic? That's a little more risky especially if you aren't driving long enough afterwards to fully charge back up.

For the number of enjoyable hours it has, yes.

Even so, I'm still a bit disappointed that it doesn't have as much content as Skyrim or Fallout4. I'll still buy the DLC though, and I'm hopeful that the big overhaul modders will come back.

a) Pensions and old age care. With smaller amounts of working people, we either need to tax more/reduce care/increase pension age/euthanize.

b) Rich people. A lot of our big companies don't really issue dividends, but rely on increased share price due to growth. When growth stalls, they need to start issuing dividends or people will dump their stock. This will significantly affect CEOs and rich peoples wealth since most of their wealth is in stocks and shares.

Both of these will put pressure on politicians to keep population growth up.

If you've not been distracted with wars, yes.

If you've had to fight off a couple of early invasions, then your snowball won't grow nearly as fast.

I've heard that wedding ring tattoos are becoming more popular. They don't catch on anything.

There's many ways to play, and as you go higher, you need to be able to pivot as the facts change.

I've won deity culture games where I've never been at war with anyone. Just turtle up until it's time for the Rock band exodus.

It's not an even playing field when you have to organise a mortgage, wait for an inspector, most likely arrange a buyer for your current house... all of this takes a lot of time.

Private Equity can avoid all the waits and just buy it as a cash sale, sight unseen.

Of course, it wouldn't actually be that much of a problem if there was sufficient supply of new housing. Lots of talk about building more housing, but not enough 'fuck the NIMBYs, we're just DOING it'.

Don't be afraid to reroll if you get a bad start.

You want at least a 2x 2f2p tiles to work in your starting city. That will allow you to both build and grow.

Diplomacy is reasonably important in this game - if you're not actually wanting to build up a huge army, then send AI a delegation when you first meet them to make them less likely to declare early war.

I generally go 2 scouts, 2 settler start - and not build slingers at all unless the scouts failed to stop the barb scouts finding my cities and they start popping out hordes.

Because even when we have democracy and can pick our leaders...we choose to pick the liars.

No one gets elected by telling the hard truths.

Because we vet candidates who (supposedly) don't have skeletons in their closet. Reality is that everyone has something bad they don't want to make public. So we put up candidates that are good at hiding their shit. (okay, make an exception for Trump, who fails to hide his shit and yet is still popular with some people).

Because the people who put themselves up for positions of power often really really like the power, and any benefit to the public is just points for the next election.

Yes. The fries and flurry are great!

I buy a burger too to fill the gap, but they aren't what I got to McDs for.

No, just really stupid and a waste of money like gambling.

Still a red flag if I didn't know I was in a relationship with someone that unwise.

I drink it when I've got it in.

When I don't have any, I don't feel the need for a special trip to get more.

I rarely buy at all these days - tax on booze makes a couple of beers cost more than my meal.

It's estimated to have occurred sometime in the 1300s. It was the largest ritual ever performed and affected the entire planet.

It took the largely useless amount of mana each sapient being on the planet into something useful - power and control.

Sadly, it also made extinct all of the races and beasts that needed magic to survive. They just didn't care about ecology in those days. Hell, we barely care about it these days!

But we consider the benefits to greatly outweigh the costs.

Medicine. Everyone can get potions that will disperse the tiny demons that make us sick. And no greater demons at all!

And with medicine comes greater numbers of humans. And more humans means more magic that can be siphoned off.

And the more we get, the more reliable technology becomes.

You think the people in power are worried about pensions if the population falls? No, they're worried that if human population drops below 4294967296, the internet will stop working - and then the jig is up!

And this is why Mr and Mrs Potter, we are paying you to have children. You have the wizard gene and each potential wizard means ~10,000 fewer humans required to maintain human civilization. Yes, it can feel a little bit like eugenics, but it really is for the betterment of all mankind.

(EU) but how do you get a food chain audit so if someone gets sick from eating this meat, you can find where the contaminant entered?

The aliens were mechanical in design. And exceptionally literal.

After obtaining their definition of human, I ensured to have the criteria written down so that the wording was precise as I could make it.

"Criteria is as follows. Order of selection is from physical smallest size to greatest size."

And then the aliens left.

And no one noticed.

It turns out, that every sperm IS sacred and individual.

If I have a bunch of marsh, then Lady of the Reeds and Marshes is a really good one for early growth and production.

Or if there's a bunch of possible plantations, then the plantation pantheon is good - early culture > early science.

Most other things are map/civ dependent.

If you're not cheesing them with Qin, then you need to act smarter - kill them and they'll just spawn again, stronger.

One way of dealing with them is to use units to kite them into AI territory so that they respawn there.

For the ones that are too awkward to kite, use Apostles with the convert barbarian promotion.

And you just have to survive quietly while the AI gets wrecked by the zombies and you can do a culture or science victory.

Like locks, they keep honest people honest.

For everyone else, they give society a respite from criminals actions by keeping them away from general society for a time.

What does dissuade crime is a sense that they will get caught. If a cop is right there in sight, then they aren't going to commit a crime, even if the punishment is relatively minor.


I'm planning my retirement funds for that age.

If I live to 110, then I'll have been begging to die for a decade. Unless there's a really huge advance in robotics by then, many Western countries will be adopting MAID because we literally can't afford that many workers doing elderly care, and will at least be asking for volunteers to ease the tax burden.