I relate heavily to Pam with her lack of confidence and extreme avoidance of confrontation, but I also can be like Kelly and just have a lot of feelings and be a little crazy, especially if I feel forgotten 😅

Whatever your reasoning to choose B or C, I think we can all agree that A is the wrong choice 😂 between Andy’s inevitable acapella and Michael definitely going around trying to make you laugh… if you’re actually trying to work, that is not a productive environment. If you wanna sing with Andy and try to get Michael to order in lunch though, A all the way 😎

My impulse was #2, but I also LOVE #8. Like others have said they’re all beautiful 💕

There is a scene, it might be in the super fan episodes, where she mentions being the designated driver for the office. It’s in a talking head and she complains that “people live all over and gas is expensive” 😂

Thank you for this response. I have incredible flying anxiety that predates all the current issues Boeing seem to have. All of this information puts someone like me at ease ❤️

If you need any more, feel free to slide into my DMs!

Most big malls will have a currency exchange center. However, it’s usually in your best interest to exchange within the country you are traveling to. In Columbia specifically, be sure to keep some USD with you as though it isn’t their official currency, it is widely accepted and sometimes preferable with certain shop keepers as it goes further.

Yes!! My feelings exactly. This is why I go through phases with ACNH. I wanna make a beautiful island, but I also don’t have enough patience to think through a cohesive design for the ENTIRE island that includes furniture and is not just plants and flowers bc duh it’s an island? LMAO 🤣😭

I would totally just go for it! Sounds like you guys might be having the same inner thoughts honestly. Shoot your shot and hold your head high even if you miss! Good luck ❤️ update and tell us what happened!

I think some women in their early 20’s might be more bothered by it, but honestly as a woman in my mid 20’s I have no feelings about hair one way or the other. I agree with what others have said, it makes more of a difference if you’re embracing the bald vs trying to cover it up with a comb over or something. Lots of men bald early on because of their genetics, so don’t feel bad about it! It’s a totally normal thing and it won’t matter to the right partner.

I feel like this is a prime example of the intrusive thoughts that you think and don’t say out loud because of how stupid they sound outside of your own head. You absolutely should NOT ever attach any magnets that are not the processor to someone’s implant site.

Omg I haven’t played subnautica for a while bc I can’t get past the depths 🫣 this might be the answer for me too!! Thank you for your wisdom 😶‍🌫️

Dwight: Listen Temp I’m conducting a little investigation so I’m no longer gonna be able to head up spring cleaning. Do you think you can handle it? Ryan: … yeah I think I can handle it Dwight: Do you think, or do you know? Ryan: …. I think

I’ve been in relationships with women where that’s all they wanted to do