The point should finish faster than the pork if started at the same time, but that doesn't matter. You can hold them in a cooler filled with towels for up to 4 hours (longer if you have a cambro or a bangin' cooler) so if the point is in there for an hour when the pork finishes, then throw the pork in and take them both out at the same time an hour later. You get 2hrs on the point and an hour on the pork. As long as the last one to finish gets an hour, it's fine.

Depends how good you are at holding temp. If you're really good, then IMO 250-275 is totally negligible. But if you have temp swings like some do, then at 250, you're likely fluctuating between 225-275. At 275, you're likely between 250-300. 250-275 is negligible, but 225-300 is not.

So, IMO, 250 vs 275 is a wash. But you know how good you are at holding temps, so factor that in.

i returned that tent due to how the poles create a "divot" in the very top. There's like a triangle area that sinks in and collects water like a puddle. It didn't fail, but I had to keep "punching" the puddle from the inside every time it filled up.

As for your specific question, the coloring looks pretty normal - that material darkens quite a bit when wet - but it does look like the rainfly isn't separated enough from the tent. Definitely want to make sure there's a nice gap there, either by using guylines or some other means.

That's a great price, and a great grill. There's pros and cons. Pro is obvious - more cooking surface. I love being able to cook 18+ lb briskets without having to do the bend-over foil-lined-brick trick like I do on my Akorn (same size as KJ Classic). BUTTTT, it's fall less efficient than a smaller grill, and I don't get as much smoke imparted in my meat than I do on my smaller one. It's still an amazing grill and I'm really nitpicking, but if I could ONLY have one, I'd probably go with classic and get all the accessories and the upper rack. But I do love my BJ, but only use it for very specific situations (and have all the accessories for it.)

TL'DR - it's a great deal... especially if you got a package that included the cover. I've found the KJ cover to be better quality than ay of the 3rd-party ones on Amazon.

I can't speak for the Mountain Hardware, but I have an original Dagger 2p and love the f out of it. The company is great too, and honors their warranty. It's the roomiest 2p tent you'll find (I'm pretty sure that is a fact), and it's still in the 4-lb range. They've since improved the rain fly to the "osmo" style, but I've never had an issue with the original version. I even use it for car camping because of how roomy it is. Great company, great tent. All the money in the world, I'd buy it again.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Nemo Dagger 2p, which is under that price at REI with the coupon. I had one issue with it where a zipper got stuck (after a lot of extreme use), and they repaired it free of charge even though it had been many years since I got it. I love it so much I use it for car camping too (it's very roomy for a 4-ish pound 2p backpacking tent. They've since improved the rain-fly, even though I've never had problems with the original one. If I had all the money in the world and didn't need a sub 4-lb tent, I'd buy it again.

Sadly, this is likely an official replica and not a bootleg. That's just how they were. You can tell because the 2 and 6 are actually DIFFERENT FONTS (the inside of the 2 is perfectly square, while the inside of the six is angled.). Even the bootlegs had more consistency in their fonts. If you bought it thinking it was part of the "authentic" line then yeah - it's not. But it does appear to be an officially-licensed replica.

can't say for that specific mattress, but I took a chance and ordered a high-end on-line bed based on the consistency of numerous video reviews, and HATED it for the first few weeks, thinking it was incredibly firm for a "medium-firm". The the other day, I noticed that I hadn't complained about it in a while, so I started paying more attention as I got in and out, and the reason I "forgot" about it is because it seems to have broken in and now is in line with everything I've read.


Took around 6 weeks for my bed to feel the way it was supposed to. Probably why most say you need to have for at least 30 days before you can enact any return/exchange policies. Don't worry about it, just give it 6-8 weeks.

this is good to know. I'm only 90mins from there, but was planning to go prior to the Memorial Day sales. Got a Leesa Sapira Chill (medium firm) which is a tad too firm even after 30-days, so was hoping to try out some Winkbeds, Brooklyns, Helix', and hopefully other flavors of Leesa. The Leesa Chill seems extremely well made, just considerably firmer than I expected for a medium-firm (even after a month.)


Funny, I got the medium-firm Sapira Chill and find it too firm. From some YouTube test sites, I expected "medium firm" to be closer to "medium soft", but it's pretty firm. It's definitely broken in after 30 days, but is still a little too firm. I'd put it in the 7 range, vs a 5 that I'd give something like a Saatva "luxury firm".

As I'm adapting to it, I'm liking it (maybe just getting used to it), but am still going to try out some other brands at one of the internet mattress stores. Teh thing I HATE about it (which I knew going into it) is the 14" profile. There's no need for this bed to be 14". Cutting 2" from the springs wouldn't make any difference. It could easily be a 12" bed.

Edit: for reference, I’m around 5’8” 190

casper stores will usually offer 10%ish off the lowest internet price, even during big sales. Just call, email, or visit one and ask.

unique dual-host KVM/Dock requirement - looking for unicornPeripherals

Hi. My two machines are 1) home made PC on Win10, and 2) Macbook Pro M3 chip for work.

I currently have a Pluggable dock with built-in Displaylink drivers, and an external a/b switcher. This is OK, but the external swith is fluky, and I need separate power line to the Macbook in addition to the data line. I believe this is causing an issue where my VPN connection drops when the lid is closed.

I'm aware that Macbooks don't support MST (though the new M3s are supposed to support multiple external monitors) so what I'm looking for is:

Dock/KVM with muitple hosts, built-in switcher, one of which provides PD, and preferably DL drivers but not necessary if the PC can output dual HDMI (no DP on my PC).

I think I'm looking for something that simply doesn't exist, but hoping this community knows of one, or some hack I can do to my current setup to reduce the cables by providing PD and data xfer to the Macbook in a single cable (while supporting two external displays in extend - not mirror - mode.

TIA... though I know it's a long shot.

When I click cmd (or anything else) the box immediately blanks it out. I’ve been at this for 45 minutes now, trying multiple combinations to see if there’s something that works that I’m doing wrong.

Mac Mouse Fix - can't use keyboard shortcuts?

Hi. Loving Mac Mouse Fix. However when I try to assign a shortcut to a button (ex: cmd+w to close out browser tabs) it clears out literally anything that's typed in that space. Even simply pressing the command key gets cleared out. Anyone know if there's some trick to getting shortcuts to work? Or if there's an alternate tool that supports this?

My room is relatively small and my windows are only 74” apart, so a headboard would cover some of the windows. So it might be a good idea for me to find a wall-mount full-sized headboard rather than a queen, so the frame not having one might not matter anyway.

Wow that looks just like what I’m looking for. While it’s within budget, it seems a little costly for what it actually is. I’ll keep an eye out for their next sale. Thanks

It says the clearance is 6, but the height is 12. The slats look like they attach somewhere in the middle, so they’d have to be above 6. I think 10 would be ideal for me, but not going to quibble over an inch on either end.

That one looks nice! Hard to tell exactly how high the slats are, but that have to be somewhere in between 6” and 12”. Ideally I’d love that bed but with an upholstered finish, but beggars can’t be choosers. Thx!

Great suggestions. A little over budget ($600 or under) but still nice suggestions.

low profile bed for 14" mattress

Pulled trigger and ordered a 14" mattress, which is 2" higher than I wanted. I'd like a platform bed where the slats are 8-10" off the ground, however they're few and far to come by (basically I want total mattress top to be around 24".)

Upholstered would be preferable, but not a requirement. Headboard optional, but it'd have to be low since it extends over my windows and would block some light.

Any ideas for an extra-low pro platform?

Yeah that’s not bad at all. They told me something like 20% restock fee and some other fee, and only credit towards another one of their mattresses, not any true refund. Seems like the policies are decided by whoever you speak to.

when you say "no hassle", did they charge you the large restocking fee and pickup delivery fee?

Updates on this? I know it’s been a while but I’m wondering the same about the two.

I’ve heard something similar, and was hoping that it wasn’t really true. I get no signal literally ANYWHERE outside of major cities with ground repeaters (or maybe a lack of towers).

There’s no “I’m going to lose it here and pick it up again”, it’s just 100% down.

But maybe it’s the same cause. God I hope not.