Demilitarization of Ukraine is a guarantee that Russia will just invade again later to finish the job.

Republicans control the House. AOC's impeachments attempts are DOA.

The ruling can only be overturned by the Supreme Court itself.

It doesn't apply to any of his SCOTUS picks.

(And Thomas wasn't a Trump judge.)

Trump got his list of judges from the Federalist Society. Some of them do believe in the rule of law.

If Trump gets a 2nd term, all of his judicial appointments will be hand picked by him and they will all be servile lackeys.

:flag-us: America

And if the old writing doesn't exist, you just pretend it does.

The Yugo sold 141,651 in America over 7 years. The Cybertruck probably won't go above 20,000 total in the same amount of time.

Market rate has to be skewed by the fact that no one can (yet) resell their Cybertruck due to the purchase agreement.

But then here in reality it's called "fraud".

Then again I've heard that repairs take forever because the lack of spare parts from Tesla.

I think the wild chickens there outnumber the humans.

But if you say "cisgender" on his platform you will be censored.

But if you say "cisgender" on his platform you will be censored.

Oh I know. He didn't get ejected in quite the same fashion as Santos, I was just curious how he was handling the shame.

:flag-us: America

Elon has to protect his buddies.

Such a "free speech absolutist".

Jordan Peterson also thought it was a good idea to go to Russia and let back alley docs put him into a coma.

This is not one of the world's leading minds... ESPECIALLY after the coma.

Remember his claim that the car his son was in was attacked by a stalker who jumped on the hood?

Yeah, that was a lie too.

Musk said that Xitter would go bankrupt if advertisers didn't return.

Let's hope he told the truth for once.

Xitter allows all kinds of racial slurs... but if you say "cisgender" your post gets stuck behind a warning message and no one can like or retweet it.