Ginger and turmeric tea in massive amounts

Yes! I get it all the time! Even to the point sometimes I don’t think I even need to go but I get those symptoms and go anyway and then the symptoms go away!

Thank you. This is really helpful. It’s going to be ok, it’s going to be ok, it’s going to be ok!

Glad to hear it! I’m the same as you, passed out during the test 11 days ago but I feel so ROUGH since. Haven’t passed out again but I think from what I understand the test messes with us for a couple of weeks. I’ve just been so scared I will pass out again. This gives me hope

He doesn’t agree with it? Like it’s choice? Is he God? If so please can I speak to him as I have questions. FFS. Do yourself a favour lady, save yourself and your child before it’s too late

I fainted at minute 4 or something. The nurse then explained what the readings meant an and what would happen next. That was 11 days ago. Since then my symptoms have been worse than usual but I have been warned on here from many people that for 1-2 weeks afterwards we will get more symptomatic than usual and that we go back to whatever state we were in before.

Thank you. I’m just feeling helpless right now I think.

I just don’t know what to doQuestion

I just got my diagnoses a week ago when I had my TTT. I’ve been quite rough this week but I’ve heard from many of you the week after the test is an awful ride. The problem is today. I’ve eaten high salt, I’ve drank high sodium. I still feel awful like I’ll pass out if I stand up. What am I missing? I drank a lucozade sport and chucked some extra salt in it. I was starting to feel good. My brother ordered a tofu curry so I figured ‘hey, salty food, gotta be good’. Ate that. I can’t get rid of the tremors, I feel weak, my vision issues are extra right now. If I dare get up I’m dizzy. I can hear my heart beat. What am I missing here guys? I’m at my wits end. Thank you for anything you can advise

Same. Honestly if I allowed it to take hold of me emotionally every day we’d both be exhausted. I have my moments of course and I go looking for support then but it’s usually very matter of fact so we can map out our day etc

No and he REALLY hates this one dress I have. Oh god and the homeless coat! He hates one of my coats - he calls it my homeless coat because well I do look like I’m homeless when I wear it but it’s so cosy! But he never tells me not to wear them and when I have done he doesn’t go into a huff either.

If I eat late at night I’m always truly hungover like a real alcohol style hangover except it’s from food. So I never eat within 2 hours of bed or it will get me :(

Me again! Help!Question

Ok guys I did something I shouldn’t have. My whole body was aching from a long walk so I took a hot bath. I’m in bed now, feeling faint and ‘off’. How do I fix this? Water? Salt? This is a new one for me! Thank you for any help you can give!

The way I’ve been lately they’d probably think I was one of them and leave me alone!

There was a time before I understood the relevance of salt and electrolytes, the only thing that would alleviate my symptoms was a McDonalds meal. It drove me nuts because I never even ate those foods before generally. I’ve added things now like ayran (turkish drink, literally yogurt and water and a teeny bit of salt), adding extra salt to my food, drinking electrolytes. You get used to it. I’m going through a bit of a relapse since my TTT last week but I was doing really well for a while doing the above stuff

So I had a small crash 2 days ago on a hike (I have never once had this happen when walking or hiking) and in fear I drank lucozade and a bag of salty crisps. That got me MOSTLY out of it but not entirely (I only had half the bottle of lucozade because I spilled half of it in panic). After about 30 more minutes of feeling mostly ok but with an edge where I could still feel I had the symptoms I found some orange Fanta and drank that. It got rid of the remaining symptoms.

It’s not always cola that I drink but usually. Otherwise I have also used OJ, water with sugar mixed in or any sugary beverage.

Thank you this is really informative. I’m going to try these. It’s so scary when it happens that my first instinct is to quickly chug on a sugary drink to make it go away.

Thank you, this is another thing I’ll add to my list- going to go through them all at my next appointment

Yes, I’m so lightheaded, I also can’t see properly when it happens

Thank you this is really interesting! I will do

Hey any answer is welcome and it’s still valid! Maybe this is it or answers a part of it!

The episodes always happened when blood sugar was around 6, which I don’t think is lower end. It’s really confusing.

Also, my blood sugar generally sits at 6 and most of the time nothing happens. I had 3 episodes at that level, no deviation before the attack.