I will buy both if both are judged great !

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer Squeeze ?GEAR

Which one would you recommend and why ?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer Squeeze ?

Which one would you recommend and why ?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer Squeeze ?Survival Kits

Which one would you recommend ?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer SqueezeTravel

When weighing LifeStraw Go against Sawyer Squeeze, both offer effective water filtration for outdoor adventures. LifeStraw Go boasts simplicity and portability, while Sawyer Squeeze provides versatility and durability. However, which option would better suit your specific outdoor needs and preferences?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer SqueezeGear

Which one do you recommend and why ?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer SqueezeGear Question

Which one would you recommend and why ?

Lifestraw Go vs Sawyer SqueezeMaterials

Which one would you recommend and why ?

Thanks for your testimony, it gives me hope. Happy to read you managed to take care of you.

I'm in depression for 5 years but the last 6 months has been the worst. At the same time my partner has meet new partner and have an incredible alchimy with him. I feel awful.

I'm to scared to take meds but maybe it's necessary ?

Where are you now, a month latter ? I struggle the same way with depression.

Yes, I try to see therapists with different approaches. Thanks

I think you are right. I need feedback and communication to improve go to the rigjt direction. It's hard to listen because I have difficulties meeting new partner and I have nobody to have sexual experiences (only my partner but we have sex once or twice a month)

Thanks ! You say things that have not been said before.

For the unprotected sex, it is not a boundary for us. She said it has been stronger than her but it's okay in our relation while it's said.

About the second part of your comment, I don't know what to think. She didn't want to be rude or telling her sexual connection with the other dude superior. She wanted to tell our connection could be deeper. But maybe the worlds has been rude. Actually I struggle to put a barrier into our responsabilities, between my insecurities and her awkardness. I think there are both real.

It supports me to listen she has been rude to me.

Thanks for sharing your tracks.

Indeed, what she lives with other create assumptions in my mind.

I will give a look into meditation apps

I'm not sure I understood your comment. I understand it can be a big nope for you to compare this way and put responsability on something I can't act into.

But actually for her it's spiritual and I think she said that in my way to act something block her trance and she want us to look at how we work

I think I feed too much my anxiety. Thanks for letting me see that there are other choices, and for your empathy.

Ahah I find you impressive. Happy to read you manage this well your relations.

You never felt compared or bad about that ? What helps you to get this inner confience ?

I already see a therapist. I agree with you, some things take too much place in my head compared to what it is in reality.

Thanks for your comment that help me go back to the reality.

Well I guess too that having other partners would help me dealing with the fact she can find satisfaction elsewhere. And of course, what matters is our connection, whatever is happening on other moments.

Yes I could improve my sexuality. Actually I don't think watch what others do would help me a lot, I think I should listen more my body and be in the present to get better. Also before all of that I need to treat my depression because it's what blocks me in the first place.