This person doesn't know shit about bikes (check their post history). He's lucky if the chain hasn't popped off but it definitely will. Could be going off a curb. It all depends what gear you are in when the derailer gets bounced and how much chain slack there is. Modern 1x systems have derailers with a clutch meaning the derailer holds tension. Couple that with a narrow wide and you don't experience chain drop. Buy a cheap chain keeper or just don't ditch the front derailer for Sheldon's sake. Can't believe I'm wasting my precious moments on the dorky fan base here yet again.

Shit hits hard if you're stupid.

This writing style is laborious. Metaphors and smilies lack humor and the forest has been long lost for those trees.

The one I got was 3D printed with recyclable materials. I already had a collapseable watter bottle from my sawyer. The advice may not work for your situation, but it's far better than wet wipes which have a much larger traceable impact than "room in a landfill".

Wet wipes are wasteful, dry out and are single use. Get a collapsible water bottle with a bidet attachment.

10 years in to bikepacking specifically, still making changes every year. Tech improves, your needs change, your perspective grows. It's important to start recognizing marginal gains vs worthwhile improvements tho

And I hope little Cody lives forever, cuz I know you ain't getting any other pussy.

I won't. I have a lot of responsibilities and I'm fulfilled by them. I honestly hope you find some tangible skills, fully recover from your addictions and get out of manual labor before your brain rots. The company you keep is the main thing holding you back right now but this is your moment to do better. Good luck chief

It takes almost no effort to slam dunk hateful cucks like you. Especially any sad sacks that get any joy out of dragging queer poc's. Y'all really don't understand what's happening below the surface here but you are for sure radicalizing idiots

When in doubt delete your comment.

Damn you are painfully unfunny. No wonder you are alone and have zero luck on bumble.

So you are not aware that punky came up in the comedy store around the same time as Tony? 

You watch new Southpark so I'm not even gonna begin to appeal to your taste in comedy.

Agreed. I saw the show live in 2018 and while I was standing in line I heard a lot of toxic shit about the gay club across the st. People don't get that good comedians don't believe half the hateful shit they spew, but unfortunately the fan base isn't always smart enough to hold duplocitious ideas, while pushing boundaries for the sake of expanding perspective on a subject. Instead we have a ton of morons that think their favorite comedians are bigots and only men are funny. 

Anways, let the down votes rain in virgins

Your IBS isn't anyone's fault but your own buddy. Unless you meant verbal diarrhea, and judging by your post history that checks out.

Closest explanation. She just missed the vibe and is now a strawman for everyone's weird internalized misogyny/racism/homophobia/incel tendencies

It won't be enough. Leave the 3x9, change the fork and handlebars to something slightly swept back and just ride it as is. Contact points like grips, seat, and pedals will serve you better than a hipsterectomy

It is massively front loaded and I wouldn't trust any rack with that much weight that's not a cetma, pass and stow, or some kind of cargo fork with a 20" wheel. Do you but maybe look into the cane creek visco headset