There is also a relic that does this btw.

I've not noticed anything like that but then again I don't pay that much attention to the regen over time. You'd probably need to post screenshots of the slime fully drained and your amount of regen with the time, and then a 2nd screenshot with the time still visible and how much slime you have generated. That would give your worries more credence and get Grumpy's attention.

There is nothing for them to work on. I've been watching things with literally no issues all weekend so the problem isn't on their end.

Just to expand on your very correct answer, after unlocked the ddd you will then need to do multiple upgrades over several apocs that get very costly.

That thing confuses the hell outta me lol

Working fine for me. This isn't aniwaves problem.

Eventually you'll be struggling with coins instead lol

The odds of getting that item are very low so presumably they clicked it that many times and got that many of them. RNG does funny things and the human brain likes to ascribe patterns where they don't exist so very often when someone posts this they come up with wild theories on how the game is rigged. It's not btw.

Dude how ignorant are you? When russia invaded the crimean peninsula 10 some-odd years ago this was literally their argument.

I just smashed out all 12 episodes of the first season in one day. A show doesn't often grip me so well, looking forward to season 2!

It's such a good feature and I have it turned on but I always forget to use it lol

The reason your story sounded like russian propaganda is because the argument of calling a truce and drawing the line where the battle line is at is literally one of the lies russia is trying to push right now. They literally did it 10 years ago. So yes, the logic can be applied to either conflict. I'm not sure why you are arguing against this because it's plain as day. Makes me wonder...

Probably in that new one, something about wife has no emotions I think. I wasn't a fan of the premise and quit watching it like 5 mins in lol

But don't you see? You can apply that logic to both conflicts. The fact is that usually there's a very real reason people kill other people and it's damn near insulting to both sides to suggest they stop fighting. Yes war sucks and is a bad solution for many problems, but when you are already at that point usually the only way to stop it is to kill all of your enemy.

Trolls have been trolling on the web for over 30 years. Nothing new here lol.

Vidstream is god-tier for me, so much so I rarely need to use another.

NGL this reads like some russian propaganda.

I've been trying to avoid anything AI related and it's getting to be a struggle.