The RNG in the game can be frustrating when you're cutting it close. I got all the skins from AW so I'm going for my first DDD activation. I need 2 combat and 5 soul token purchases to get there and if either of the last two regular tasks give those, then I'm golden. They both gave DE tokens. No problem...if the nether task gives nether orbs then I'm fine. It gave nether wheel tokens. Okay I'm either two nether orbs or 1 orb and 7 flames away so I have a chance with those nether tokens, the drop ship tokens, and the 3 that I can get in gramps' shop. I got 1 orb and 5 flames. I refuse to do a full extra apocalypse for 2 nether flames or a single orb so now I wait.

37% chance of success should be enough right? RIGHT?!?! I am absolutely losing my mind.