Love the bro hug they gave each other at the end of the match

Once you get a dishwasher, you'll whisper "where have you have you been all my life" every dishwash cycle.

Same with robo vacuum too.

We are allowed to different opinion on what's serious or not. To me, just because they met each other's parents / family / ancestors doesn't account for anything. To me, being in a serious relationship means being mature enough to respect each other's boundaries and not playing with their boyfriend's insecurities (i.e. when Ross was uncomfy with Joshua who indeed had a crush on her, then Rachel should have distanced herself) and being mature enough to discuss arguments and apologise when they've hurt the other. It means not sleeping with the first girl that shows them interest while they're trying to figure out the status of their relationship. It means not inviting the person who was the reason for their recurring argument. It means respecting that Rachel is enjoying her job and letting her do her own thing. It means respecting Ross's relationship with other women after broke up, or his engagement and marriage with Emily. It means respecting each other's happiness, even if that means that's with someone else.

I don't think they did. People in a serious relationship talk about their issues instead of saying "omg let's just take a break" "oh ok I'll sleep with another woman then if that's the case". What they had is a relationship similar to a teenage relationship

Looks like my opinions are unpopular and I understood the assignment πŸ˜‚

1) Ross and Rachel dating each other for just over a year doesn't count as a serious relationship. At least not serious enough to sabotage their relationship with other people after they broke up. And especially not serious enough for them to be referred to as "you're Ross and Rachel" by Joey 6 yrs later on.

2) Monica broke up with Richard and Pete because they won't give in to her manipulative tactics (Richard won't have a baby because he feels he's too old. Pete doesn't want to give up being the UFC).

3) Phoebe likes mentioning tragic moments of her life because she loves the attention

There's a special place in hell for people like Nicole. Fuck you Nicole.

How was even able to get dates then?

Why is there no mention on the amount of times he lost the ball..

I wonder if the 4 kids are from one father. Or is it like 4 kids, 4 different fathers. I won't be surprised if it's the latter.

I feel like Janice is a better match for Chandler. She treated him like an equal, if not more. Obviously the Janice that I'm talking about is the Janice before she decided to kiss the Mattress King (twice!)

Monica pretty much bullied him. She did a lot of AH moments towards him like having lunch with Richard and hiding it from him, pretending to be ok with the smoking so that they can make a baby, making him move hotel rooms 100 times, insulting his Chan-berries during Thanksgiving, etc.

Yep. Sarah is old enough to know that what she's doing is cruel. Oh well Sarah! Enjoy your shitty camping trips with your skanky mother haha