For some reason I caught a cold when I tried to do those thing at the same time. So I guess you have to give yourself more time for recovery. At least try it and then change things according to how they go.

  1. Ангеле Божий, Хранителю мой святый, буди ми помощник и заступи ми (мя?). Something like that.

Куть-куть-куть (esp. for puppies)

When you don't learn from your mistakes

It's improbable she will (= she is not likely to) pass her exams if she's studying so little, but it's impossible if she isn't studying at all.

Offering Russian (native). Seeking Mandarin Chinese (native)Mandarin

Hi! I've been studying Chinese for a month or two and I'd like to have a long-term language partnership. Ideally, we would choose textbooks for the languages we are learning, work through them and have once-in-two/three-weeks calls (maybe more often but I might have heavy workloads at work) where we would ask questions, practice speaking and so on. Answering each other's questions on a daily basis would also be great (in a messanger app). Additionally, I would appreciate some help with pronunciation.
Topics I'm interested in: economics, business, music, sports, programming (I'm just an infrequent user of Python so I'm not a pro although I can talk about IT to some extent), learning languages and learning in general, self-development.
I expect you to know English no less than at a C1 level, so we can communicate and explain stuff about our target languages properly.

Agree. This type of requests deserves a separate subreddit

Вполне хорошо. Нужно просто над техникой продолжать заниматься. Голос со временем окрепнет.

It's "1C". Unfortunately, I can't change the way the data is displayed (and it exports in the exact same way)

Turning an automatingly created table into an Excel tableunsolved


I have this kind of table which is created by the accounting software the company uses:

(I have 50,000 of those :{)

I need to transform this table into an Excel table but because there is no consistency in the number of rows in which an entry is displayed, I can't simply add columns for the type of cost and external partners and use formulas.
I'd really appreciate some ideas of how to do that!
