I agree. I just compiled a list from all of these suggestions and am doubtful, but hopeful.


Hates the shnozzle. Lol

I’m female and here to tell you size Doesn’t matter with those.

I’m going to say every kid in that room who sat by complacent was almost just as bad. If one person said something, maybe more would have too. It takes one bit of sand to start an avalanche.

….But he will pay child support. (I’m suggesting you dump him)

This reminds me of my nephew. We suspect he is in the spectrum, but not officially diagnosed.

I seriously thought the artist either subconsciously or intentionally created it with those thoughts in mind.

Is this the American healthcare system? Nothing is free

I like this open topic question….Let’s talk about what you look like now

Yeah. I’m sorry to tell you but you may be in danger. That is an alien. He is actually recording everything you do and sending it directly back to his people. You can really see him in the third pic, acting like you can’t see him. He knows you can. He can read your mind and subliminally suggested you ask the internet, so they’d all tell you it’s just a bug.

I’m sure I’m risking my own safety telling you. Peace be with us all who are reading this.

And we’re about to have our 4th kid. Should I tell him?