My parents went to New England several years ago and had planned to spend the last night in a hotel in Hartford. They ended up checking out and just driving home only hours after checking in because they felt so unsafe. Said it was one of the worst places they ever went and would never go back.

ETA And my mom is from Philly so for her to say that, it must have been bad.

Those people must not understand the concept of entertainment then. Yes, it can be a mindless distraction. But the best songs/shows/movies/books aim to get people to feel something, to make connections with the characters, etc. Most of us know it's not real, doesn't mean we can't feel the emotions or there is anything wrong with us of it makes us react a certain way.

I agree about Aurora. That and Rory. I don't even like saying those names in my head, let alone out loud.

Penelope. When I was a kid I thought it was pronounced Pen A Lope. I just don't like names with the word "pee" in the pronunciation. 

I wonder if she really means she can't have Mandrae think she's fat. The guy is a grade A jerk and it wouldn't surprise me if he makes comments about losing the baby weight, even though she has been perpetually pregnant for years now. But of course she wouldn't be able to tell that story on social media so she made up this one because it really bothers her and she wants to tell someone. Even if she can't tell the whole truth.

Jill is actually really pretty but it's hard to see with all the makeup and outdated hairstyles. 

Every day these "parents" give me yet more reasons to despise them. Even with 7 kids, I think they are way more financially comfortable than my family ever was, and my parents would never do something like this. If they can afford to travel on a bus, including to another country for an extended period of time, they can afford to give their kids actual treats from time to time, not free whipped cream meant for dogs. 

Rita was mine. The sweetest lady ever. She thought it was hilarious she got a mention.

No, but many of the names mentioned were also names of coworkers I had at the time the song was popular, so that was funny to me.

Exactly! I see comments defending him and I am just like, what?? He is not "just awkward" or gets "overeager". He is controlling. I mentioned in my comment that his behavior reminds me a lot of an ex of mine who was controlling. I didn't see it at the time because I was young and inexperienced. But my ex was a walking red flag and Ryan is too.

Ryan's behaviors remind me too much of someone I dated in my early 20s. Controlling tactics. Years later I learned he got married, was soon to be divorced and the wife was accusing him of abuse. 

We watched IT at my 14th birthday sleepover. Loved a King miniseries.

The latest 90210 episode was the talk of the girls in middle school. In high school, it was ER. I haven't had a conversation about a TV show in a long time.

I loved watching those old-school Lifetime movies. The ones they have today are so bad, and not in the fun to watch because it is so bad way. Just bad.

In my first apartment I only got one channel on my TV because I couldn't afford cable. CBS. I used to like it when they had those cheesy Hallmark movie specials because it was something different to watch.

I like Raylynn. I like Houston but not that atrocious spelling.

My coworker just had a baby and he is a Theodore,  Teddy for short. 

The church we went to didn't have VBS, so we went to the one at a church we used to go to. I never liked church, but I did really like VBS.

Getting a shot at what though? Hunter is very much a supporting player, not the main act. On GGG, he is more gofer than anything else, except the few times he was a judge. On TOC, he is like the red carpet interviewer. I don't think he is stealing jobs from anyone.

People act like Hunter is being handed his own headlining shows right and left and he isn't. He appears on his dad's shows. Like a family business. I think it's nice he wants to work with his dad. And it's not like he is obnoxious or offensive. If he was unlikable, I would understand why people hate him.

Not always. There is a house I drive by regularly whose fence is draped with Trump flags. Within the same area, there are other homes with Trump flags. And this is a part of Chester County, PA, that is very well off.