Well I’m completely out of luck! 😢 While I do eat meat and fish, I have Crohn’s Disease and had to have my entire colon removed and part of my small intestine, which is where B12 gets absorbed. Pills don’t work so I have to get my B12 either by injection or by drops held under the tongue for 30 seconds. (I still eat fish whenever I can because I love it! I just had trout last night!)

Same here! 🥳 (It was many years ago, but I minored in linguistics! ) 🥰

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

I didn’t have a problem with solving the lock picking mini game either, but a lot of people did! My only problem with the lock picking is that it gets old fast and is very tedious and unnecessarily puts wear and tear on your controller. And it’s supposed to be Magic and instantaneous according to the books, the movies, and even in the game when both Natty and Professor Fig use the spell, but every stinking time we have to do it, even when we upgrade the spell to open stronger locks, we still have to do the lock picking game yet again! 😩. I finally found out how to Autosolve the locks, but you have to change the game to story mode, and I always forget to set it back to the difficulty mode I was playing before 🤦🏻‍♀️😅.

So I find it an easy puzzle but tedious and boring after more than 5 times and completely unnecessary!

Meltdown sounds serious and not childish to me. Going through my entire childhood and being told I was having a “temper tantrum” was extremely infantilizing and also was considered as if I was being manipulative. I wasn’t trying to get attention, I just wanted to be left alone!

I prefer the term meltdown a million times over temper tantrum!

I totally agree! (I posted a reply to the person who posted the same above you!)

I came here to say that!!!! While I’m still not diagnosed autistic, I do have a strong suspicion that I have both autism and ADJD (which I have been diagnosed with, but only as an adult because when I grew up neither ADHD or autism were commonly diagnosed, and most people only heard of boys being diagnosed. Growing up in the ‘70s & ‘80s you would only hear of “Temper Tantrums” which were always considered a form of manipulation, which really confused me! I’m wasn’t crying to “get my way”, it only made things FAR worse! How is that “getting my way”?!?

I will take the term Meltdown any day over the term Temper Tantrum! 😅

As a joke this is funny 😄! But in reality you wouldn’t roll your r in Spanish in this word. While it might be different in some dialects, I was always taught that you only roll your r’s when there is the “rr” (which is considered its own letter) or at the beginning of words. The r “crisis” doesn’t fit either criteria. Most of my teachers were either from Mexico, Spain, or Cuba, and my mother in law’s parents were born in Mexico. So there could be a dialect I’m unaware of, but I’ve never heard any native speaker who rolls all the r’s.

Unless you were referring to French, but they don’t roll their r’s either. Their r’s sound more in the back of the throat.

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Never tried to transfigure him! 😯😅

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

I’m sorry this is messing up for you! 😓. Very frustrating!! I hope you get it to work! 🙏🏻

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

I love the way Leander says that! 😄

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Your poor wife probably thought you were nuts! 🤣

Thankfully my friend played it on PlayStation last year and told me that I could change the appearance of my best ranked clothing when I finally got the game for the Switch! 😅

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Yes! I’ve finished the game as a Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin, and am now playing as a Hufflepuff! I’m trying to answer all questions with responses that I feel represent the current house, I’ve only used the Unforgivables as a Slytherin, and I’m trying to choose clothing in the colors of the current house (but am having a hard time as a Hufflepuff because I really don’t like yellow! 😅I’ve even named my characters according to their house!

I hope you enjoy your additional play throughs! 🥳 Each of the common rooms are amazing! 😍

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Yes, I know. I’ve used it in my other playthroughs when I didn’t like how my hair looked with hats.

The mind was willing but the body was weak! Thanks for sharing! 😅🥰

Was this a horse that you have ridden but just haven’t registered?

If so, then that horse will be tagged as “yours” until you ride another horse that isn’t registered. The game keeps track of the last horse you have ridden but haven’t registered in case you want to replace one you have registered with a new horse you found.

So if this is the case, just ride a random wild horse and the stuck horse should despawn eventually.

But if you wanted to register this horse and just haven’t gotten the chance to before it got stuck, then that is a bit trickier. 🧐 maybe you can scare it off the island (like with remote bombs or fire) and see if it can cross to the shore or respawn nearby? Not the nicest solution, but it might work. 🤔

Please update us on what happens!

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

I’m on my 4th play through and I think I have seen a shiny variation for each except for the Graphorn! Your Graphorn is stunning! (I also love how the shiny Unicorns are golden! )

I really wish we had bigger Vivariums or at least one more, because I really want at least one animal of every color , especially the Fwoopers!

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Good thing I’m playing a character with black hair now! 😅

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

No, because we master lockpicking level 3 and we STILL have to do the minigame! 😩 The MC is a very fast learner (4 years of Magic learned in one year while learning year 5 Magic simultaneously, PLUS learning about Ancient Magic and how to wield it, while taking down 3 evil people (Rookwood, Rangrock, and Harlow) AND helping every NPC in the school and the areas around the school!)

Not to mention what the person below you said about how in the books and movies nobody has to do this minigame when they first learn Alohamora! 😁

:Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw

Larger on the inside than it is on the outside? Hmm 🧐 Hogwarts must be a TARDIS! 🤣