Patrząc na kryzys w Grecji, z tego co pamiętam, to jednak lokaty bankowe były bezpieczniejsze. Możesz mnie poprawić jeśli się mylę, ale przy restrukturyzacji długu obligacje zostały zamienione na o połowę tańsze, kiedy oszczędności w banku (poza czasowym ograniczeniem wypłat) były nienaruszone.

Nie żebym odradzał, sam mam portfel z blisko 50% udziałem obligacji skarbowych.

Leaving it unattached may not be optimal for people with other types of disabilities, as they could easily lose the cap. People with blindness, dementia, or simply forgetfulness, like myself, can easily misplace it.

Nevertheless, most people who complain are not disabled, they are just mildly annoyed

Right? Just tear it off, I don't understand what's the problem.

I'm on the opposite spectrum of this issue. I love these caps, it's a small quality of life improvement for me.

There is nothing hard about placing it on the counter, but there's nothing hard about using/removing new cap either.

Do mnie też dzwonią, ale jestem na B2B i numer mojego rachunku VAT jest w publiczny. Pierwsza lepsza strona wyświetla do jakiego banku ten numer należy.

Może u ciebie jest podobnie?


I'm not sure what you mean by gift card. All I remember is that I set up my Visa debit card details there.

Edit: just checked on the page. I entered my real country/region.

Co do filmów, to polecam rozszerzenie LanguageReactor. Pozwala na tłumaczenie słówek w napisach poprzez najechanie kursorem lub skrótem klawiszowym. Dodatkowo zapisuje nieznane słówka, które można sobie po filmie powtórzyć lub np. wrzucić w Anki.

Serio jest niski próg wejścia jako programista jądra? Jak zaczynałem swoją przygodę z programowaniem, to w to celowałem ale próg wejścia był o wiele wyższy niż w innych gałęziach. Nie mówiąc o tym, że nic w poście OPa nie wskazuje, że ma jakiekolwiek doświadczenie z niskim poziomem.

Walutomat przypadkiem nie pobierał prowizji od przewalutowań? Zastanawiałem się kiedyś nad zmianą, ale revolut wychodził podobnie mimo gorszego kursu.

That's right, from Google page:

A compatible Android phone with an active data plan and 5 GHz Wi-Fi support. Wireless projection is compatible with these Android versions: - Any phone with Android 11.0 - A Google or Samsung phone with Android 10.0 - A Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, or Note 8, with Android 9.0

Go into Android auto settings on your phone and try to pair it wirelessly. It works well in my 2023 Yaris cross.

Well, that's the point of this meme. Polish people hate Russia and want to distance themselves from it as much as possible, even in something as simple as their place on the map.

I do enjoy it. I don't use rear space, so can't say much about it. But overall, the best things about my AWDi Hybrid version: - fuel consumption is low - the acceleration is great at low speed due to the electric motor - safety systems already saved my ass a few times - active Cruise Control is perfect, I use it daily

From the negative things: - some plastics are vibrating (making sounds). I have to press it to stop the issue for a couple of days. I'm going to ask my dealer if it's possible to fix it. - RCTAB module is too sensitive in my opinion. I had a few situations where it braked twice, even though a driver was letting me merge into traffic. - the trunk and inside lights are so bad. You will have to install LEDs by yourself. And of course lack of lights for rear passengers, WTF Toyota, there's even a marked place to install those.

I own 2023 Yaris cross too.

From the press release notes, it looks like it is related to luggage space tests:

During the development of the Yaris Cross in 2020, a test was carried out to examine the damage caused to the rear seat when luggage placed in the rear space of the vehicle moves due to the impact of a collision.

After regulation changes, there was an additional requirement for luggage blocks.

However, the development test data using the old blocks was submitted for certification application.

The test should have been done again using the new blocks, and that data should have been submitted.

Are you sure the 5th Yaris Cross testing was more strict? From what I understand, not all required checks for lugage block got tested.

That doesn't make sense.

Cardio is not required to lose fat and have shredded physiques. Also, weight training can be as effective as bodyweight training.

Don't get me wrong, cardio and bodyweight is a great way to get fit, but I don't see anything in this photo which clearly identifies these types of training.

I think that's incorrect. Mercury can evaporate at room temperature creating poisonous fumes. Maybe you were thinking about Galium?

What's wrong with dairy? Cheese is great protein source.

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