Is that supposed to scare me?

Oooh noooo I called you dumb so you're going to ban me, save me oh reddit gods for I have sinned. Whatever will I do if I can't comment in this sub for a bit.


Yes.. are you dumb?

At 24 I had a house, my own business, disposable income.. an 18 year old girl barely out of highschool likely still lives with parents and a part time job or no job and starting another phase of school. It's a giant difference that could be easily abused by creeps and losers.

How could they tell if the target looked nice through a tremor3? So busy they're basically just looking at rough outlines covered in reticle

Sort of..

Still $30-$50 (cdn$) for a good box of 22lr, and the rigs are just as expensive as a center fire rifle.

I got into nrl22 because it was cheap.. then realized after a few matches I had spent basically the same amount just shot more bullets practicing.

Agree with the 5.9 I've had a couple and they were all awesome. Currently still own my 99 3/4ton Dodge and it runs perfect with 450k km on it. Paid $5k for it a few years ago and put 5k into immediate repairs, haven't done anything other than general maintenance since. At this point I could replace the engine and transmission and still be ahead of most.

I own all of the optics in your post. The nx8 has worse glass than the pst2 but it feels the most solid out of the 3. The illumination and reticle is the best of the 3. The turrets are okay. People complain about eye relief on high end and while it's pretty tight the only time you'll ever use max magnification is when you're shooting groups at 100 off a bench so its not unusable.

Mk5 has the best glass of the 3, turrets are the best of the 3, and the eye relief is good. It feels very fragile probably because of the weight, but I haven't had any issues with it yet. I actually really like this scope.

I got rid of my atacr 4-16. It's too heavy and the glass isn't good enough to deserve it's price up here in Canada. The rotating ocular housing also annoyed me more than anything.

If this is for a hunting rifle I would go with nx8 because it's the cheapest of the listed optics but still very good and has the most usable magnification range. If you got a discount and could pick up the mk5 for less than the nx8 I'd go with that instead.

Edit: I see this as being confusing now that I've re-read. When I mention "all 3" I'm referring to nx8, mk5, pst2. Atacr was a side thought after the fact.

As a young homeowner, I am all for this lmao. Would gladly retire with $50M after selling my house then moving to some cheap country.

That title doesn't mean a whole lot anymore.. couple years ago all the physicians agreed natural immunity didn't exist and went on record persecuting anyone who said otherwise for additional funding from large pharmaceutical companies.

Then suddenly it's a thing again.

If you really are a physician then you're probably the same as the rest, just pushing drugs because you get paid for it.

By fair market value do you mean by the assessment value? Because if so they will come out ahead. Most home assessment values are insanely low. My dad's place is assessed at like 600k, a comparable property sold nearby for $2.4M

My house was just purchased at 1.4 and is assessed quite a bit lower as well.

You as a regular employee are making $72.05/hr as an electrician? That's crazy lol

Must be some very large city center right?

Also depends on location. HVAC is easily the highest paid trade where I live. Local companies will start a fresh journeyman at $45/hr + a company truck and tools. They charge out at $150/hr to the public so if you've got your own small business you will make even more.

Welders also make a lot of money.

Electricians make decent money, but we shouldn't be higher than a lot of the trades you've listed unless we are talking about oilfield or industrial electricians specifically.

I've always thrown out the last bite of a sandwich.. not sure why, it's just the way I've always been. Pretty sure everyone in my family does the same.

Why would you save the best bite for last? Why not just enjoy the bites as they go?


And here I thought $700 was a pretty decent price lmao

$330 is unreal.

We have a fancy set we just got and while there are only 2 of us living here I imagine a family of 8 could easily get by with this same washer dryer and not need a second set.

We do laundry once a week, and it takes 3 hours total if we do our loads separately. The washer dryer is big enough that it could all be done in a single load though, which I imagine is what would happen with a larger family.

Pretty sure the set was a little over $3500. Which if you're gonna be washing for a family of 8 is completely reasonable.

Every successful business leverages debt for operating expenses. I cycle through my lines of credit on major projects all the time. It would be silly to pass up a million dollar project just because I don't have the cash sitting in my bank while bidding. If shit hits the fan I'll sell some of our assets to cover in the meantime.

Worked fine during covid.

That's true, but brushless is a requirement in the class 1 div1 sites I work at along with a large list of other things including a gas meter and fireproof suits etc.

We have had like 1 semi warm week so far in western Canada. Normally it's like 35°-40° (95°f - 104°f) for a whole month by now, I think we hit 30° today and that was the warmest so far. It's rained almost every day for the last 3 months.

My point: just because it's warm in your little corner of the world doesn't mean it's warm everywhere else lol

It's been a terribly cold rainy start to the year, what are you talking about.

My go to as well. Best frying pan there is in my opinion.

Best of luck!

Don't get discouraged if it takes more, 308 will make things really tough at a mile. I haven't tried my 308 at that distance yet but my 6.5 creed does some really weird things around the 1500 yard mark that makes it seem more like luck than skill any further. Always a ton of fun trying for me though.

It will blow your mind. At 220 I couldn't run without a lot of stretching and warm up otherwise my knees would feel awful the whole time. At 185 I feel like a teenager lol

Library of Congress holds the original declaration of Independence. The copies aren't considered the original, this shouldn't have to be explained.

I hit that milestone at 28, doesn't mean I'd keep working given the opportunity to retire immediately with free money lol