Not looking for pity or anything just think it’s funny. Last night I walked into my local Home Depot to buy another 6.0 forge battery and the boomer employee who I found to unlock the cage saw the price and that it was “only a 6aH” and went off the deep end about how us Milwaukee fan boys are so easily separated from our money and this and that. He literally stood there for 4-5 min ranting on subject before he walked me up to checkout. The whole time my wife and I are just in shock an employee at a retail establishment would act like this. We’re not young either (~40) so it’s not like he could have assumed we were just young kids that didn’t know better. Maybe not the best sales tactic Home Depot. Shut up and take my money.

I’m an arborist and use the forge batteries in my pole clipper and they really do make a big difference in how strong the things are!