Just wait until they hear that women in the force are actually excelling at their jobs, insanely talented, highly accurate, incredibly motivated, amazing team players, give it their full 200% and take no shit from anyone... All of that despite the insane prejudice, misogyny & rape culture they have to deal with while serving.

These misogynistic assholes would shit bricks and wish to die when such a woman stands in front of them. One simply does not mess with these badasses!

Your brother sounds like an awesome person! And this just proves that Bears are awesome too.

First, I'm so sorry OP. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss and my heart breaks for you. Losing your fur baby, your best friend, your companion, your entire world.. losing them is a pain that's incomprehensible.

May your beautiful pup rest in everlasting peace. πŸ’œπŸ«‚πŸ’œ

Secondly.. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING JESUS' CUCUMBER ON A SLAPSTICK'S SANDWICH IS WRONG WITH THIS BRAIN DEAD MORON????? How did he EVER think that this was appropriate in such a sensitive and difficult time?! I'm not going to threaten with violence since that goes against TOS but holy fuck, I'm seething.

This. There's a higher chance of prenatal & postnatal complications, it can negatively impact fertility, and it can have negative implications for the foetus. Pregnancy is such a strain on the body already, so it's always best to evaluate and minimise risks within reason. [to prevent miscommunications, "can" doesn't mean it definitely will πŸ’œ].

However.. I wonder if this nutjob's idea of "obesity" is actually just a normal body. Where you have a bit of a tummy, like every other normal being, but you're being called "fat" because you don't look like an anime character or aren't under 60kg/120lbs.

I know I've been called "morbidly obese" by idiots like that despite being heavily malnourished. I was only "hot" when I was 15kg underweight and nearly dying from malnutrition and dehydration. Now that I'm stabilised and at a healthy weight again (thank god for tubefeeds & modern medicine) I'm again considered "fat" by internet strangers.

There are some real sickos out there πŸ˜‚


I'm really sorry and I wish I could burn them all alive at the stake and send them straight to hell, including everyone who pulled a blind eye to this torture. There's no fury more painful and vengeful than that of survivors who rally together.

In case you want, here's a free internet hug. I really hope life has been treating you better and that you're in a place with comfort and safety. πŸ’œ

YES!! Since I'm wheelchair dependent anyway, I love me a short king. I don't need a giga giant besides me; gimme someone who can hold my hand without them needing to break their back from hunching over. 🫢🏻

Yep. There are variations of course, it also lengthens or shortens depending on the state of arousal and point in the cycle, but the depth change is ~2,0 max.

As a ~2,5 inch depth person on their best day w/ endometriosis and tilted uterus.. the "big dick is everything" guys always frustrated me.

Rant incoming, sorry; πŸ˜”

They never believed me when I told them their (in their eyes small but perfectly average) D was totally fine, in fact too much for me, but their insecurities ruined sex anyway. They always tried to go deeper despite me saying MANY times "stop, that hurts, FFS you're literally bruising my insides, YOU ARE MAKING ME BLEED, THIS IS NOT A TURN ON". But their friends later on gave them shoulder pats for making me bleed and vomit. It's toxicity at its finest.

All because "wahman love big cocks, even if they say they dont". Even when you educate them on the average vaginal length, and that dicks mean nothing if you don't know how to use it. Their insecurities are a much bigger issue than their supposed size.

NAD stands for Not A Doctor / Not A Dentist.

That's so fucking disgusting and disturbing. How tf are these people not in jail?!

As a trans (ftx) person that is on BC... LMAO, WHAT????

I'm using it to regulate the female sex hormones. To prevent fatality from PMDD, prevent more cysts from rapidly growing/bursting, to slow endometriosis & adenomyosis growth. Because, well, the last few cysts were so fucking massive that it compressed my bladder to the point I couldn't pee anymore, and one was scarily close to a high risk area. BC is a fucking life saver in these cases. LITERALLY.

And guess what, you numbnut? The hormones in all hormonal BC are female hormones (GASP, I KNOW!). It essentially tricks your body into thinking you're pregnant so it stops building endometrium, levels out the hormonal rollercoaster & stops releasing eggs. It literally can't be more female than this. I fucking wish it wasn't tho, that would help me a lot more with my gender dysphoria lmao.

Fuck idiots like them. They and their misinformation are the very reason our access to BC is in danger internationally.

Rant done. 😀😀

We in the land of tulips just answer by showing our dicks and grunt "sex oogabooga" in return. That's the only way to establish your dominance adequately without being a beta male.

I'm 100% convinced these pathetic men would rather see me have a big bulky pitty than my current fur child: an almost 8 year old 3-legged rabbit called Binky.

B takes no shit from anyone and will make your life a living hell if you're a POS, and he senses your intentions from miles away. He literally scared my ex away just by showing his teeth and growling. And trust me.. those sharp fangs can bite a finger off within a split second if you anger him too much.

Other than that, he's a spoiled rotten baby that loves to fall asleep on my stomach, never bit or even nipped at me, is a grumpy grandpa when his snack is 1 minute late, honks like a piggy when he gets his back massage, and follows me around for kisses and cuddles 24/7. πŸ’œ

He's the only needy little dude I can handle, love and adore to the moon and back. We don't need an insecure man-child on top of that. 😌

  • Woman: gets bullied and harassed relentlessly about her appearance by men

  • Woman: undergoes surgery and procedures to try to get rid of the body dysmorphia & insecurities that were created by those men so she hopefully can live in peace


Make it make sense FFS.

My dad was the same! He was the only one who could get me, a violent eardrum-shattering cry baby with constant colics and intestinal motility issues, to sleep within 20 minutes.

My mom tho? I cried the whole time for 8-12 hrs straight (which only worsened her PPD). She was always so relieved when dad came back from work. She just popped me in his arms, said "do that magic trickery thing and shut that thing up. Only wake me up when it needs a diaper change" and ✨poof✨, to sleep I went.

There are some dads out there who are incredibly in touch with their nurturing side and just know what to do with their babes. And this patriarchy bible BS makes me so angry, because it minimises them to a stone cold pay cheque & prevents these dads of being a proud, nurturing and loving parent since that's seen as "the woman's job", and diminishes a woman to nothing but a child rearer & housekeeper. It's disgusting in every single way.

"cry then" ended me. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

You are healing me with this factual revenge and for saying everything I never could to my parents. I'm sorry they're such an insane, uneducated bible licking moron, but it seems like you will be perfectly amazing and good without that POS. You're a great human OP, I'm proud of you.

Keep living your best life! Living authentically and being unapologetically you is the best revenge πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸ’œ


Hi OP, that little dent may just be the "fovea palatine" (I'm not a dentist though, so dear dentists who read this, correct me when I'm wrong!)

Those small 'dents' in the soft tissue are likely the ducts of mucous/salivary glands. You can Google "fovea palatine" and look at the pictures to see where they're located. But do not fear - everyone has them! You'd be in bigger trouble without them :)

As long as you aren't in pain and there isn't any swelling or redness, you most likely are 100% fine. If you are experiencing discomfort, I strongly advise you to try and visit a dentist or doctor though. Sometimes those ducts can get obstructed (little salivary stones or from an infection) and cause discomfort.

  • Husband: asks woman for sex or starts to make moves without verbal announcement.
  • woman: no, I'm not feeling good.
  • husband: too bad, I have my needs.
  • woman: please, no. Not now.
  • Husband: you're my wife so you already consented.

Guess what? The second a person says "no" or if there's an absence of an enthusiastic "yes!" and the perpetrator keeps going, it is rape. It doesn't matter if it's your boyfriend, new date, ONS, best friend, long term partner or husband/wife; it's still rape.

You don't have to use violence for it to be rape. Nagging, coercion, taking advantage when they're in a drugged/drunken state, when they're sleeping... It doesn't matter. The absence of a yes makes it automatically rape, even in the eyes of the law.

But let's play these baffoons' games... If marriage means consent for 24/7 forever, so does taking all money without discussion out of his wallet. Or experimenting with a mega butt plug, shoving a cucumber up his rectum when he's sleeping & knife play on him without consent. He gave consent after all when he signed the certificate, ammiright? 🀷🏻

Yeah.. that isn't how this shit works. Someone needs to put these predators on a hit list.

These idiots always confuse "free speech" with "free of consequences".

I hope the FBI has this disgusting pedo on their hitlist or that he will be on the sex offender's list soon.

These men: dumb feminists, shut up. Misogyny and sexism isn't a problem anymore.

The same men: compare women and their value to inanimate objects

The math ain't mathing.

Ah man, I hate it when family sees artwork of any kind and immediately jumps to "pregnant???". That rune maybe resembles some parts of the female/male symbols ♀️♂️, but.. pregnancy? Huh???

A while back I made a drawing of a baby cow in a onesie after some online banter on Reddit. I shared the pic later on Facebook & Instagram and people immediately DM'ed me with "is this an announcement? did you finally give up your child free delusion and start a family???!".

  1. They know I'm unable to get pregnant
  2. They know I don't want kids
  3. They know pregnancy will kill me
  4. They know I'm on the waiting list for trans care which includes a complete hysterectomy.

Some people will just never learn and it annoys me to hell and back.🫠

Good luck with your rune writing OP!

NAD good job MainCharacterASF!! so happy to read this.

May your recovery be swift and easy πŸ’œ

NAD I'm so sorry for your mom. That's terrifying. I hope she recovered fully πŸ«‚πŸ’œ

I had to wait a week as no dentist could get me in earlier and emergency clinics were over 4 hrs away (i have no transport, wheelchair dependent and stuff).

At day 2 the abcess burst and pain went down, so i thought all was manageable. A few hrs later i had a high fever and throat started swelling. Took ibuprofen and went to sleep. Next day i was found nearly unresponsive and had trouble breathing. Was rushed to the hospital where they saw the infection spread to my bone, jaw joint and surrounding tissue in my throat. If my homecare nurse found me an hour later I would've been dead.

Never wait with infections like these. They can be so dangerous and easily fatal. Wishing you all the good luck OOP!!

Do they even know that condoms are a thing? Nothing gets left in there with those handy things. And sex is actually pretty good for a strong pelvic floor.. so we gain more than we lose as well.

Also, the vagina is a self cleaning organ. Hell, that thing called a uterus? Yeah, that thing is so good at cleaning that it skins itself alive every ~4-6 weeks and rebuilds the lining from scratch. As long as you keep up to date with STI testing and every test comes back clean, we are clean.

Long story short, these dumbasses are full of shit and know exactly nothing about these wonderful bodies of ours.

Oh.. Turns out we all are brainless zombies without autonomy and are basically an infant stuck in an adult body after all. Sorry to break this news to us all. Big brained males need to think for us because our small brains are barely enough to keep us alive and breathing, making decisions just isn't in the cards for us. :(


But, didn't you know? When 2 vaginas come together and sense each other's presence, a mechanism activates. This mechanism pushes out the internal Alien-esque genitals. It's like a telescopic lens, but fleshier.

When both telescopic vaginas are facing each other, one turns into a cloaca and the other turns into a penoris (clitoris in penis form). Then they are getting busy and that's how god's disappointments are made!

/s obviously lol

Seriously tho.. has this weirdo never heard of hand work? Oral? Vibrators, strap ons, 69??? It isn't that difficult 😭