Welcome to The VALORANT Public Beta Environment!

Hi everyone! Welcome to the official subreddit for everything related to the VALORANT Public Beta Environment! Starting July 9, a VALORANT PBE will open to a limited number of North American VALORANT accounts, where you’ll be able to test parts of early builds for upcoming patches.

How this subreddit will work
  • For the time being, this subreddit is currently set to "restricted." Restricted subs are those where only approved users can post, but everyone else can still see the community and posts. Anyone can also comment. Once the PBE servers officially launch, we will look to open the subreddit so that users will be able to make posts.
  • This subreddit will be used to help identify bugs before they make it to live servers. There will be a Bug Megathread for every PBE patch.
  • This subreddit will also contain the PBE patch notes that will be posted with each new patch.
  • General discussion will be allowed, but this subreddit will not be used for feedback. The main focus of this subreddit is to identify bugs.

  • We will add a schedule into the sidebar once the server launch date approaches!


You can always join the official r/VALORANTPBE Discord server. Feel free to ask questions, find people to queue with, or just hang out while you wait for access! Keep in mind that this subreddit will still be the sole place for reporting bugs to Riot.

Also, just to make this clear, the moderators of this subreddit are not Riot employees.

About Me & Contact Info

Heyo! I'm Provided, and I eat microwaveable gas station food to give me the energy I need to delete all your posts. If you need to contact me directly, you can do so through the methods below. Please note that I will most likely not reply to Reddit DMs if they are related to a post/comment removal. In that case, use modmail, please.

Discord (@provided)

My DMs are closed, but you can always add me or join one of the servers below where I do have open DMs.


My Twitter DMs are open


Server Settings > Safety Setup > DM and Spam Protection > Verification Level

:Icon_Flair: /r/VALORANTPBE


Just go to both if you’re able to and get feedback from each place, then buy from REI since you have a gift card.

Posts get archived after like 6 months. That post is 6 years old...

Ye, added the "accidental report" section last edit.


Memes aren't allowed on this sub, but this one can stay cause those posts are fucking annoying and essentially spam (there are dozens of filtered ones weekly). There's a whole ass pinned post  about scams, so please report every "is this scam1?!" post so we can remove them faster and direct people to anti John Discord resources.

The server probably just changed its user DM/Spam protection settings to require phone verification. Should be fine as long as nothing is prompting you to enter any personal info outside of discord or through some random bot.

California Salsa Cassidy C SLX

Just bought some Mallet E’s and they came with 15-20 degree release 6° float cleat.

:Icon_Flair: /r/VALORANTPBE

No. We're not associated with Riot or the Discord server.

:Icon_Flair: /r/VALORANTPBE

Yup. Battlepass or buy. Sometimes there are small event passes that give a little bit out, but they are far and few.


Outerwear isn’t allowed in the dressing rooms, unless there are unique circumstances where the only way a customer can try it on properly is in the fitting room. As others also mentioned, some things are supposed to be taken to front line to just help reduce theft, not for discriminatory reasons. Maybe because it was from the back as you said, it wasn’t properly tagged with a security tag. Happens sometimes.

California Salsa Cassidy C SLX

Stand alone sound clip of hubs for those interested: https://youtu.be/Ve4iBKj9WfM?si=o2NJf28Fo7ALEykL


So because people aren't using the subreddit how you want, it means it's a "marketing space controlled by the company?" You haven't commented/posted here in 9 months, then say "Where's the stuff I care about." Post something and see who cares then if you feel so strongly about it. The only posts removed on this sub are low-effort/spam and things that just aren't suited for it. The majority of people who use this sub clearly just want to ask product/policy questions or get input about something, not dive into some political shithole.

:mod: Mod

Or because, as the post says, there is no PBE open or scheduled....

Not on pow days. Sometimes on groomer days.

Holy shit. One of my teachers played this for the class like 13 years ago. Watched it numerous times, but forgot about this. Thanks for the reminder.


You're even dumber than the other person. No one is being refused the right to do anything. They can refuse the legal agreement, but neither of you can expect to be able to use any service provided by Discord (and anything requiring one) if you refuse it. And yes, that includes simply going into the settings to disable the account. They have to use the service to do that, so no shit accepting TOS is required. This is clearly only even a problem because they just don't want to accept. Who gives a shit lol, they're deleting their account anyway, and they obviously accepting TOS when creating an account. Accepting TOS for anything is a legally binding contract so terms and conditions are legally enforceable in the case there is a legal dispute. C'mon, use your brain dude.