Because I don’t like Russel Brand? Wow. He’s a pinhead. I think that’s been universally established.

I think you’re referring to Squidward in Spongebob SquarePants who said “Everyone’s an idiot except for me.”

It used to be a lot easier to give people the benefit of the doubt. When conservatives pushed different ideas for social programs they were sometimes based on actual needs that people had and could vote on. Now the hoards of people that blindly throw their support behind con men and oppressive ideas, have a focal point and it gives them great comfort to know that they can stop thinking and put their lives in the cult leaders hands. Educational programs are just one of the casualties of the last 8 years. Blind adherence to religious extremism is overtaking efforts to keep religion out of government. The dumbest of the dumb have the same voting rights as anyone else, but their numbers are increasing and civility is declining. Anything considered progressive is suspect by the right, and even awareness of human dignity has been baptized by them with the new dirty word “woke.”

Right in that area near Glenoaks and Alameda are lots of great neighborhoods with plenty of apartments and small houses. The area has some great bars and restaurants, Inkwell, Blue Room, Trader Joe’s, Ralph’s, IKEA all convenient. It’s pretty safe, there’s street parking without permit. Walking distance to downtown Burb. I think it’s great.

Because it has been clearly revealed to us that at least a third of our American brothers and sisters are unrepentantly ignorant morons.

One thing that’s consistent is he always talks about money as though it’s the deciding factor in every situation. His foreign policy is all about cutting off aid and making others pay instead of the US. Then he turns that shit eating grin to the camera and acts like the person on the street has now been saved from fiscal malfeasance and all that money will flow back into the pockets of taxpayers. The dipshits eat it up and say he’s a financial genius, as though it’s going to affect them either way. They believe for some reason that their livelihoods are dependent on whether the government wastes money, and he exploits the fuck out of that. He always gets his cut, and in the case of servicing the Saudis, it was two billion siphoned thru Jared’s fraudulent investment fund.

The sign on his door said “Dr. Cliff Huxtable: Coochie Inspector. Have a seat and help yourself to a beverage. The Doctor is putting on his robe.”

I hate it I hate it I hate it. Conjugate your fucking verbs people.

Learn the difference between a print and a painting and everyday you’ll have good luck.

Just get a plumber there asap to roto snake out the sewer clean out. It’s prob full of roots if not wipes and other stuff people shouldn’t flush. Then, do it again at least every six months. You can end it if you make friends with your plumber. Yes it costs a few hundred. So what? I live in a basement apartment. I speak truth.

I thought Wisconsin would be at the top of the list but apparently when drunks hit drunks they just bounce off.

The whole thing is absurd. No Biden voters will be swayed to vote for Trump. No Trump voters will switch to Biden based on a debate because they lack thinking skills to measure performance. Any dipshit undecideds will only vote for the guy who makes them think their opinion matters.

OP hasn’t seen a recent picture of Roseanne. She looks like that old dirty rug in the abandoned backyard doghouse that hasn’t been cleaned since 1990.

Used to go to stock car races in the 60s and there was a driver named Dick Trickle. We never made fun of his name though because lots of our friends were named Dick. Parents back then never thought “We shouldn’t name him Dick, because it will remind people of plump, juicy cock.”

His father is garbage. His mother is garbage. His grandfather was garbage. What are the odds?