Save your money and buy yourself a luxury piece when you reach any future success

Tudor Black Bay Chrono is still a really good watch at the end of the day. He chose it, let him enjoy it. For the Rolex AD games I agree they are wack, but he’ll get to that Pepsi eventually.

Don’t listen to negative comments. Your watch is amazing and looks amazing. Enjoy it.

No, oral cancer is when you have big white lesions all over the oral cavity with red ulcerations

💡 Newbie (Lvl. 1)

Hahaha ma daj ne lupaj.. zavrsi stomatologiju pa onda pricaj sta je slozenije a sta nije.

💡 Newbie (Lvl. 1)

Stomatolog ovde. Nemoj koristiti ugljenik za izbeljibanje zuba, pogotovo ukoliko ti stvarno nije potrebno izbeljivanje. Sve to dovodi do velike osetljivosti zuba jer ti ostecuje gledj/caklen pa ce da te bole zubi vise nego ranije, pogotovo na hladno i slicno tome.

Great collection! Don’t listen to the naysayers!

You forgot Citizen


Wiseman should go to Europe and get some real reps and then get back in the NBA