I’d have ran the cable to the left of the car, and tapped directly into the fuse box. But, the route you used is safe - as long as you don’t cross the airbag in the middle of the a-pillar, the bag will just inflate correctly. Ok, the cable may come at you, but so will the hard cover of the a-pillar; I’d prefer the cable!

My wife lets me buy any tool I need to make things for the house. If I suggest going lower budget, she insists that I buy the correct quality tool for the job…

The difference is the number of 9v batteries you’ll go through. Active pickups allow you to boost frequencies - so you feel the need to do that?

YTA. You’re also a thief. You should reimburse him for the headphones.

Illegal or not, how much do you need the negative publicity? Remember what happened when U2 tried it years ago on iPhones…

Never had that happen, but we’ve played a few funerals. We always ended up with the same number in the audience that we started with…

I would walk. Whatcar.com doesn't rate it too well (https://www.whatcar.com/audi/a6/saloon/used-review/n894/reliability), and a general rule is that any German car over 100,000miiles is das money pit.

Please; I've tried to be polite, but I really want to walk this stretch on my own, thank you and goodbye.

The more you say No, the easier it gets. Try it!

I used to get really terrified. Then I played out a lot, and made a lot of mistakes. I now know that no matter what mistake I make, it's not one I haven't made before, and nobody has died yet.

There’s nothing wrong with “I want to walk alone, please”. Don’t ruin your own journey just because you’re scared of upsetting other people.

I have the same. I recommend the hardwired kit and the 3m mount instead of the suction cup.

Customer service is excellent

Before you implement anything, get complete buy in from the board. If they can bend the rules and install software on their machines, other people will see that as a green light. The board needs to have your back on this.

I always do. If a city wants a new school, fire station, city hall, etc, then they should save up for it, just like the rest of us have to.

NTA. You took the initial risk, now you’re reaping the benefits. They deserve every penny back of their investment - 0.

The only thing she did wrong was not throwing a lit match at the OP…

You’re not in a band, you have a hobby.

Find a band that’s playing out at least one night a week and rehearsing once a week. You’ll be playing covers, but you’ll probably be making money.

This. If no syringe is available, use dental floss to get the glue in there.

NTA. Kids are the priority. Family is always welcome to come and visit YOU occasionally.

YWNBTA. Cancel the ticket, and tell the friend that the test run was a success, because you now see that it would be a bad idea for her to come with you.

No, you're NTA (and I'm Christian... but obviously I read a different bible than this family...)

Play them at their own game. Ask to talk to their Pastor "for counseling"... and tell them exactly what's going on. That should put some pressure on your sperm donor. Won't the social workers even listen to you? Again, give them a full rundown on the social pressure you're under. In the extreme, just leave and go back to your aunt - see if they bother to follow you (if they do, go to the local press about being kidnapped by a religious group - because these people only want you so that they can get right with their 'God', not because they actually want a relationship with you)

In the end, keep fighting for what you feel is right.

NTA. Tell him to buy a one-seater car, because you ain't going with him...