You claimed there exists some exceptionalism in the U.S. economy

I did not say "exceptional" but unique. But yes, I did list some properties that make the US economy exceptional.

that could have a large enough impact to affect its COVID recovery.

I made no such claim. I only asked by what degree the performance of the economy can be attributed to distinguished actions of the Biden administration.

Those questions are irrelevant even if I humor you and believe that you are unaware of the well-known unique properties of the US economy that I listed above.

Why engage at all if you cannot even stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Did you just want to get jerked off for repeating whatever streamer says?

  • Home of 10 of the 10 most valuable tech companies (just guessing here) that were mostly unaffected by COVID or profited significantly during that period
  • Home to the "world reserve currency" which allows it to print money much more freely than other economies with a proportionally smaller impact on inflation
  • Home of the largest and wealthiest single market that isolates it from the performance of other economies and import/export restrictions

are three that come to mind immediately.

Why are you asking me this. You are the one who made the claim that Biden is to praise for the economy. I made no claim.

Or are you just going by feels? Because then Biden is fucked if you ask voters how they feel about the economies under Biden and Trump.

Explain how to distinguish between

  • the economy is performing above average due to the pre-existing unique properties of the US economy that are mostly independent of any one 4 year presidency
  • the economy is performing above average due to distinguished actions of Biden's administration

and how to measure the proportion of responsibility to these two (and possibly other) factors.

He's had that power since he was elected. Just have the military arrest SCOTUS justices. If a judge or prosecutor says that that act was illegal, have the military arrest them too for collusion. Repeat until all traitors are gone. The SCOTUS ruling doesn't change anything about his powers to command the military.

I believe there is bipartisan support for expanding the court to 13 justices. It might be one of Trump's first acts during his second term to demonstrate unity across both parties.

50mio WhatsApp-Nutzer

Sicherlich Hollywood accounting.

If the military follows the Presidents orders, then he could have already ordered the military to arrest all judges which would have made him immune from prosecution. In that hypothetical this judgement does not change anything.

If the USA did not have a military right now and one was created and given to the President to command, retards would be up in arms about it just like with this judgement. Since a man with that much violent power could just have his opponents killed, legal or not.

So you can get page up and page down working again and also use something that's actually maintained upstream.

Why does this require disabling VTs at compile time?

This process has taken over 4 years and the current solution is still hacking together unrelated userspace applications with shell scripts and requiring people to add a prefix to every graphical application they want to start from a VT?

In that time one could have built a terminal emulator that also runs directly on top of DRM and evdev and has all of the existing VT functionality (you don't even have to implement scrollback). Then, you would add functionality to systemd to allow the terminal emulator to automatically relinquish control of the session if another application requests it (and gets it back when the other application exits) which would get rid of the prefix stuff.

Might be interesting if you can make it so that there is no difference in user experience. I.e. I see the usual login interface and once I log in I get a text console and /usr/share/kbd/keymaps continues to work unchanged and you get rid of that uvtty-launch nonsense.

But otherwise why would anyone want to get rid of a well-established interface that has existed for 30 years for benefits that mostly sound like form over function.

It sure sounds like that is not the plan since

For users that don't like display managers at all, they will likely need to use (greetd)[], possibly paired with tuigreet, to then start their session...

Haven't had any frame drops with a 7950X3D + RX 6600 @ 1080 but I'm on linux.

Use coredumpctl to get an annotated backtrace. Enable debuginfod to get symbol names and line numbers. Report the result to the Xwayland developers.

Komisch wie das politische Kapital zum Thema Klimaschutz verbraucht wurde ohne irgendwas zu machen.

He's larping as a muslim, doesn't that make him Hasan?

Mehr bubble geht nicht wenn einer glaubt dass heute besser is als 2014.

As long as they talk about Islamism instead of Islam, they have not yet found the plot. Most majority Islam countries are 500 years behind on secularization. They are incompatible with Europe. If you have a nation of 5000 islamists and 5 million muslims sharing a table with them, then you have 5 million islamists.

I once was in vacation in Spain and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Even children were throwing the n-word around like it was nothing. I broke down crying pissing and shitting on my first day.

Yep, that's how it works. Most bank robbers also get free airplanes in exchange for hostages. Not sure what Israel doesn't understand about this.

Dreiviertel 11 steht für "eine 3/4 Stunde bis 11".

The key principle is that the Court only has jurisdiction on the basis of consent. The court has no true compulsory jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is often a key question for the Court, because it is challenged by the respondent.

Curious how jurisdiction is "often a key question" given that by your statement the ICJ has jurisdiction over all UN members.

People on here sure love explicit sync but also think that glFinish is basically the same.