I worry that polls have been bad predictors in recent elections.

Former OMB acting director Russell Vought, for one. He’s a Christian Nationalist that helped impede the transition in 2020. But Mark Meadows is also involved, and John McEntee, former head of OPM.

You know the people that crafted it are from his administration, right?

It’s going to be 1968 again no matter what happens.

We have it to them because taxes and LGBTQ people and white genocide and ‘Murica!

Nope. Time to buy a Mac or a Framework and never again install Windows.

“That fucker’s going on Reddit!” Pure gold.

He can’t, because only Republican Presidents will get to use the “Official Acts” justification. The whole point of this ruling is to protect Trump and future Republican administrations while preventing their opponents from using the same authority. Now that this is established and the courts are final arbiter on what is an official act or not, and loaded with Federalist Society members, they will split hairs endlessly to ensure uneven enforcement.

Arizona breeds bumper crops of crazy. Has for decades. We gave the world Barry Goldwater and Evan Mecham.

Republican Presidents can do whatever they want in office without any repercussions.

The GOP has wanted revenge for Richard Nixon for 50 years and burned down everything to get it.

No, that means that anything Biden does is an Unofficial Act. The rules are meant to protect Trump and future Republican administrations while preventing any use of power by their political enemies should those enemies ever find themselves with an electoral mandate ever again.

Though the odds of that ever happening after November are dramatically reduced.

Packing the court requires the cooperation of Congress. It is not an Executive Action.

And magically, anything Trump does while in office will be an Official Act.

Because they do want that, if they can make money off of it in the short term. The move is designed to do nothing more than protect malicious corporate actors from consequences of malfeasance in favor of the line going up.

We don’t have enough jail room for this to be our solution to homelessness

They’ve been given carte blanche to do whatever they want with no regulation. All they have to do to neuter an agency is get a case in front of a Republican judge now. Regulatory agencies are toothless and may as well be discarded.